Chapter 1, When the World Turns Dark

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'Man, I didn't think I'd get this beaten up. ' (Y/N) chuckled, wrapping her arm in a bandage. She then proceeded to clean and put a bandage on the scratch on her cheek. (Y/N) looked at the time, and her eyes widened. '4:30? Damn, time sure does fly. I better get going before Taiju becomes an overprotective big brother.'

(Y/N) quickly packs up her first-aid kit, and walks out of the gym. I am going to bet that he is heading to the lab to talk Senku's ear off. She giggles at the thought, quickly making her way to the lab. When she arrives, she can hear Taiju's yelling. 'Oh boy, what happened this time?'

(Y/N) opens to her, and all eyes immediately snap towards her. "Uhhh. . . Hi?" "(Y/N), WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU'RE LATE!" Taiju yells, rushing over to her. "C-calm down, bro! I was only patching up my injuries-" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, as she cuts herself off. It was at that moment she knew, she fucked up. "YOU'RE WHAT? (Y/N), DON'T TELL ME YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT, AGAIN!" Her brother rants.

Taiju takes a breath, and calms down. "Anyways, back to what I was going to say. This is it, I have made up my mind! I am finally going to do it! After five years, I am telling her how I feel!" Taiju says, his eyes glittering with determination. The whole room gasps. "Really? Good luck, bro!" (Y/N) cheers. "Wow, fascinating. I'm not going to leave the lab right now. But, I promise I will cheer you on so viciously that my vocal cords will snap." A certain leek-haired male turned his head to look at Taiju, his voice laced with sarcasm. (Y/N) giggled, while the sarcasm flew right over Taiju's head.

"Awesome! You mean it? You rock, Senku!" Taiju runs up to Senku with excitement. "No, you big oaf. I won't project my voice one mm (Millimeter) for your cause." Senku looked at Taiju with annoyance. (Y/N) had a hand over her mouth as she silently laughed at Senku's bluntness and her brother's stupidity. "What? Come on, man!" Taiju whined. "You felt this way for five years, and haven't said anything? I can't praise such illogical behavior. But I can give you something as logical as hell." Senku said. This peaked (Y/N)'s interest as she made her way to her brother's side. Senku held up a flask that was filled with some sort or liquid. "What'cha got there?" (Y/N) asked, glancing at the fluid. Senku smiled. "Well (Y/N), I've developed this drug as a kind of. . . Love potion. It maxes out your pheromone levels, granting Taiju a 10 billion percent chance of winning Yuzuriha's heart." Senku's smile turns into a full on grin, with a slight sinnister look to it. What's with that look? (Y/N) shivers. Taiju takes it and inspects it. He then proceeds to pour it down the drain. "Thanks, but no thanks Senku. I've got to do this my way." Taiju puts the flask down and walks out of the room. Senku watches Taiju walk out of the room with his arms crossed.

"Well, you can't say that you didn't expect that. That's my brother for you." (Y/N) looks at Senku. "Woah, are you serious? You made a love potion?" A guy in the room asked, as some gathered around the sink. Senku sighed. "Come on, use your brain. It's gasoline." Hearing that, (Y/N) strikes a match and throws it into the sink, her eyes gleaming at the sight of the fire. 'Pretty.' "I refined it from plastic bottle caps. Consider the molecular structure of polyethylene. It's like a long gasoline molecule, minus a few hydrocarbons. You can tell just by looking." Senku smirked. Whispers broke out between some of the students, mostly saying how they couldn't tell.

"Yeah, but if Taiju drank that, wouldn't it have killed him?" Someone asked. "No, my brother wouldn't have. He's an honest dude. Dumb, yes, but honest."(Y/N) chuckled. "Hey Senku, how about you and I go get something from the vending machines. It's on me." The brunette offered. "Yeah. I'll take you up on that."

{Miniature time skip, brought to you by Senku's energy drinks}

Senku and (Y/N) made it back to class, and they saw the class gathered by the window. (Y/N) opened the (can/container) of (f/d) and took a sip as she made her way to the window. 'You can do it, bro! Go get her!' She thought, anticipation swelling inside of her.

"Yuzuriha, sorry I'm late!" Taiju called. Yuzuriha turned around and smiled. "It's fine. So what's going on, Taiju? You wanted to speak to me?" Yuzuriha took a few steps closer, and smiled. Taiju froze and looked kind of nervous. 'Here it comes!' (Y/N) leaned closer to get a better look.

Then, her classmates started to place bets. "100 yen on heartbreak." "300 on her making him cry." "500 on her calling him a creep." The confidence in their voices disgusted her. 'Stop cheering for my brother's demise!' "I bet 10,00 on her being into him, too." Senku smiled as he opened his energy drink. "Seriously?" The other males said in dismay. "Yeah. How about you, (Y/N)? What do you think will happen?" Senku turned to the female in question. She grinned. "I've known Taiju my whole life, and known Yuzuriha as long as I've known Senku. Plus, I have girl talk on my side. So, 20,000 on both being ecstatic, and possibly my brother's first kiss." They all looked at her in plain shock, and began to look a bit nervous. "Well, she has a point." The 500-yen dude mumbled.

They looked back out the window, and saw Taiju looking down, trembling slightly. He looked back at Yuzuriha. "It's like this. I've kept this inside me for five years. . ." They looked at Yuzuriha, and saw that her face turned slightly red. "And-" Taiju cut himself off. Senku felt something off, and snapped his head towards the window. "What's wrong, Senku?" (Y/N) turned to Senku, and then saw a green glow. 'What's that?'

"What's going on? Senku!" (Y/N) cried, attempting to grab on to Senku's shirt And just like that, everything went dark.

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