(Modern) Married Headcannons for Flame Daddy

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•_•Firstly and most importantly, this bitch can't cook. It surprised you at first considering how many homemade meals he'd always eat when you were dating, but that was all Senjuro. Kyojuro's tried cooking for you before, but his eagerness to please plus his distractibility has almost cost you your house twice. He's not allowed in the kitchen unless his hands are firmly stuck in his pockets.

•_• He loves to kiss you. It doesn't matter how or where as long as you're either giggling or breathless by the end of it. Uncommon kisses are his specialty. Eskimos, butterflies, and he has one where he'll boop your cheek with the tip of his tongue that always caused you to think of him as a lizard. He's also licked you multiple times, once in front of your parents. It's not all lips with this boy and his weird side really shines through as soon as he gets you home on your wedding night.

•_• Have you ever watched a grown man balancing treats on his head like a dog? Now you can. He does that well. Occasionally, when he's bored, he'll take whatever's closest and try balancing it on his forehead. Very easily entertained, this one, but so are you because you'd always stop to watch.

•_•His. Hands. Must. Touch. EVERYTHING. He's very into physical affection and enjoys touching you and touching the same things you are. You'd call it clingy if he was more overbearing with it, but he'd respect your boundaries and wouldn't touch you if you weren't in the mood for it even if he wanted to just pull you into his arms and squish your cheeks.

•_• Occasionally he'll drag his hand down the back of your shirt and saying he's wiping his love on you. It's not love, he's just too lazy to find a hand towel after getting them wet in some way or another.

•_•You've woken up many times to him singing in the shower. It's not a bad way to wake up, considering he actually has a good voice. Very deep and calming. He can keep a tune pretty well, too. Your favorite part, however, is the inevitable coughing and spluttering that comes from him getting shampoo suds in his mouth

•_•Play with his hair, please. He loves the feeling of you tugging on it, whether you're just fiddling with it on the couch while watching a movie or pulling it while you're having sex. Really loves it when you put his hair in a braid or some type of elaborate hairdo and joke about how he could be a woman if he wasn't so manly. He looks particularly handsome in space buns.

•_•On a somewhat related note, whenever you put up his hair in a cute little look, he allows you to practice your makeup skills on him as well. Boy likes his wings s h a r p.

•_• Once you get married, he pesters you non stop to have kids with him. Once you finally get one, he pesters you for more. He's also good friends with a lot of the neighborhood kids and invites them over on occasion for mass video game/board game/Pokémon tournaments full of snacks and all around fun. The parents even join in sometimes. Truly a whole ass dad.

•_• The Kamaboko squad babysits your kids whenever he wants to take you out on a date. You have no idea how Tanjiro manages so many children (including Inosuke and Zenitsu), but it works and your kids love every second he's there

•_•While we're still on the topic of children, Kyojuro wants, like, ten. No. Big no. Too many.
"What about seven then?"

"Five is the max number you get."

"Alright, I'm fine with that."
So five kids. Four boys and a girl.

•_•You're constantly having to refer to which set of twins you mean when talking to people because the oldest two and the youngest two are both individual sets. Boy, was Kyo happy about that.

•_•All the boys look like him which stresses out your parents. That on top of them being two sets of identical twins results in no one on your side of the family knowing who is who.

•_• He refers to his brood as "the army" or "the little ducklings" because they constantly follow around behind him.

•_•None of the kids sleep in their own beds. They normally just pile onto your bed and suffocate the two of you. He loves every second of it and makes sure to thank you every night once they're all asleep for giving them to him in the first place.

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