Breathe Deeper | An Extra One-Shot

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A/N: Don't know if it was ever explicit enough in the story that Jenna was a microbiologist but I wrote a lil something while in quarantine.


«So do this and get through this, and come find me when you're done.»


Eden smiled as soon as she picked the call, however his smile slowly faded as soon as his eyes landed on her face. She looked tired, more than any other time before. Jenna tended to overwork herself a lot, but the situation had changed in the past month in France and around the world so now she was doing it even more. Eden had talked to Elodie, asked her if Jenna was sleeping well, eating well, and stuff like that, her friend told him she was trying as hard as she could for her to be alright, but Jenna could be very stubborn.

She did not sleep well, Eden knew because Elodie told him she almost spend her entire day at the hospital. He understood; the demand was high.

"Hey there." Jenna told him, followed by a yawn. Her mouth cover was down, her hair messy and she was in her lab clothes. Eden could see the hospital's walls behind her.

"How is it going?" The bags under her eyes could pretty much give him an answer to that question.

Jenna smiled, seemingly tired. "I have never tested so many blood in my life, Eden." She sighed deeply. How much he wanted to be there to tell her that she was doing such a good job, and there for her. "How are you holding on in Madrid? We know things have been hard in Spain." As soon as he got surgery in USA, he had to go back to Spain and quarantine himself.

He moved the phone so she could get a clear view of his room. "Staying at home, you know."

"The injury? Are you recovering well?" Jenna sounded worried. She creased her eyebrows waiting for him to answer.

"Love, I have two doctors here taking care of me. I am more than alright. If one of us needs to be worried then that is me. I just...want to know you are going to be fine. Are you?" Her expression relaxed. She could tell him not to worry about her, but Eden knew Jenna well enough to see through her.

"Just as I told dad...I promise I'll be fine. I have been doing this for years, Eden. I will keep doing it. Everything is just so...unreal right now. I don't have much contact with people as nurses and doctors do, but the feeling when you know one more person has died because of it. It's awful." Part of him was thankful that she did not accept his offer of moving with him to Madrid because he knew she would have been in a worse position in Spain than in France right now.

"I admire you, and Isaac, and every single person who works at a hospita. Just want you to know that as soon as all this is over, because it will be, I am going to be with you and give you everything you deserve. Whatever you want, it's yours Jen." She was tired and anxious, but just talking to Eden made her feel so much better.

Her heart felt full with the way he grinned, and how hopeful his eyes looked. "I want to kiss you so bad right now." Her cheeks blushed.

Eden raised his eyebrows, getting cocky. Jenna rolled her eyes. "You know, as soon as you have a few hours free, we can get creative over the phone. We've mastered that, haven't we?" And she blushed even harder.

"You're getting too comfortable. I'm at the hospital!" Jenna bit her lip, trying not to smile too much.

He shrugged. "Role playing. I love when you get all scientific on me." He teased, moving his eyebrows up and down.

Jenna needed that. She needed to hear Eden and his not-so subtle jokes. It was so scary how good he made her feel even when they were miles away from each other, and how relaxing his sole presence was for her. They spent years away from each other, but since they got together again, months felt much worse than all of those years combined.

"I love you, Jen. You know that." Jenna swallowed hard. Over the past weeks, she had wanted to cry so much, perhaps it was the stress or the pressure, or whatever it was, but everything was bottling inside. Knowing Eden was there, waiting for her once all of it ended, felt like a good relief.

"I love you more, Eden."

"You know that's impossible, but I'm not going to fight you right now. Maybe once we are in the same room I will be overdosing you with love. You will see." He winked. Her smile widened. "It will be soon, Jen. I promise."

"I know. I know." She nodded. Her name was called over one of the speakers in the laboratory; she looked around, her smile fading. "Take care, okay?"

Eden nodded. "Jen, you're doing great. Breathe deeper, just know I will be here, whenever you need to talk."

They ended the call, and even after a few seconds, her smile was still there. Jenna stood up, took a deep breath and followed the sanitary protocol before going back inside the laboratory where they were testing the blood samples that came into from the emergency room. It surprised Jenna how much just seeing Eden through her phone made her feel less stressed, and to know that at the end of it, there was someone waiting for her. 

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