the kids

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sexy kdis are borned from the same person

basa gave brith to four ratlings
we're not really sure if basa gave birth to jomthy like.. 27 years before jennifer, eduardo and lil tecca because jimothy is a 27 year old man who worked at chunky chese so

now we get into chucks chees kids in deatail
we get in them real good

the first born of the litter of rats was jennifer
the trans rat
the only trans rat
oldest by only 0.7 seconds, jennifer established dominance, standing 6'9 feet and weighitn 420 pounds, and being suprisingly skinny

next is jimothy
second oldest
in rat years
in human years hes 27.
jimothy wears a strap on all the time. his nose.
he is human.
used to work at chunkys cheeses, he knew too much.
he was kidnapped by chicky and has his arms and legs cut off.
now he will never sescape.

next is lil tecca.
he is the only one remotley a rat.
cannot talk,
based off a pencil given to a friend of chuckys, in which the friend was ungrateful and BROKE LIL TECCA IN HALF IF YOURE READING THIS YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE
lil tecca was sexy

next, is our poor, poor eduardo...
even though basa is the mother, eduardo was before basa.
he was..
im sorry i cant do this there are tears swelling in my eyes....

chicky chicks except chuck-E-cheese exists😳👉👈Where stories live. Discover now