movie night pt 1 - kiba, shikamaru, naruto

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*virgin tries to write foursome smut* also yeah i've written smut here before but uhhh i'm actually putting some smut warnings here because holy fuck so: thigh riding, double penetration, double vaginal, oral, fingering, choking on dick, edging, multiple partners, orgasm denial, cock milking, dry orgasming

no one asked for this. no one wanted this. this is what fucked with my update schedule the past few days, so i'm sorry i haven't been keeping to my daily updates. but i'm satisfied with it, i hope you are too


Y/n had invited them over to watch movies, because that's what they always did when none of them had any missions and they were bored out of their minds. The three of them would go to her place since she lived alone and away from other homes, and they could turn up the volume as loud as they wanted. She always had popcorn and drinks. Kiba usually left Akamaru at his place, and never said why, but no one asked. Shikamaru always fell asleep before the movie was over, and Naruto insisted on sitting on the floor in front of the couch, but that was fine since Shikamaru had one day decided that his legs should take up 60% more space in every seat he ever sits in than a normal person.

So, there they all were. Naruto had picked the movie. It was one of Kiba's favorites, and Y/n had seen it once before.

She knew they were coming up on the sex scene and she wanted to escape, knowing that her indecisive crushes on all three boys were going to make things weird for her.

"I'm gonna grab another drink, do you guys want anything?" She asked.

"Yeah, you've still got more ramune, right?" Naruto asked hopefully.

"Of course I do," Y/n said. "Kiba?"

"I'm good, I've still got some," Kiba said. Y/n looked to her other side, where Shikamaru was asleep against the arm of the couch.

"And I guess he won't give me an answer," she joked. She stood up and went to the kitchen. She got the drinks, and then just waited there for a while, not wanting to go back before the sex scene was over.

There was a point where the music spiked, jolting Shikamaru awake a few seconds before the battle scene ended and the sex scene started.

"What the-"

"Shh! This is the good part!" Kiba hissed.

The film was showing small, feminine hands grazing down a toned torso, the lipstick stains left behind by a trail of gentle kisses, fists grasping at bedsheets-

Kiba laughed.

"You two are hopeless," he said.


"Enhanced sense of smell, remember? I can literally smell both of your boners and it's hilarious," Kiba said, chuckling. "Really, though. You're such lightweights if a sex scene in a movie gets you hard."

Naruto sputtered, not knowing what to say.

"It wasn't the movie," Shikamaru said, his tone calm and bored as ever. "It just had me thinkin' of the girl I like doin' it to me."

Kiba just looked back at the screen. Even having watched the movie so many times before, the sudden thought of his crush doing all that to him had him straining his own pants.

Then a new smell caught his attention as the female character started the whole moaning sequence.

"Yeah, Shikamaru's right," Naruto said. "I was thinking of someone else."

"I guess Y/n is, too," Kiba said quietly. Shikamaru and Naruto both looked at him for a moment, but then the sex scene ended and Y/n walked back into the living room.

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