Chapter Thirteen || Back Off

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I lay on my bed, head in my hands. I had immediately fled the scene yesterday. That was so embarrassing. How could she choose him? Sure, I probably hadn't known her as long as he did, but we definitely had a connection. It was Skylar all over again. Except this time, I wasn't going to hide my feelings. I was going to win her over. Even if it took a year, I was going to. Being with her felt right. And I was going to make sure I wasn't going to lose her, too.

It was time for a battle plan. Should Ben and I battle to the death? He looked like he should be easy enough to take down. If, you took the bulging muscles out of the equation. Seriously, was this guy a in-the-closet bodybuilder or something?

I did some snooping on our school website and found out he was on the wrestling team. Time to cross hand-to-hand combat off of the list. There was no way I was going to win that one. Thank goodness I looked that up. That would've been totally awkward.

Maybe I should just try to talk him into letting me have Skye. I scoffed. Yeah, because that would TOTALLY work. Just casually walk up to him and lecture him on why he should let me have Skye. Sometimes the things I think are just inexplicable. He would have to be really stupid to give up someone like Skye willingly. So that means I have to go with Plan C. Which is, woo Skye over to my side with gifts and stuff to make me seem like a gentleman.

Let me just say, things did NOT go to plan. At all.


Normally I would sit with Holden at lunch, but it just didn't feel right after what happened yesterday. So I awkwardly sat at my normal spot (and prayed he wouldn't come) for a few minutes until Ben found me. "I didn't know you had this lunch!" I exclaimed, hugging him.

"I didn't know you had this lunch, either." Ben grinned as I pulled away. "Otherwise, I would've sat with you everyday."

I blushed. "Stop it!"

"Nope!" He smiled cheekily at me and took a drink from his water bottle.

"Wh-" I was cut off by Holden finally making an appearance.

"What are you doing here?" He glared at Ben.

"If you had at least one brain cell in there, you would know that this is the cafeteria. You know, where people eat?" Ben said like he was talking to a baby.

Holden's eyes narrowed. "If you had at least one brain cell in there, you'd know that you SHOULD NOT mess with me."

"I did, and guess what? I won." Ben stood up, his stance ready.

People began to flock to the scene. Not again, I thought. "HEY!" I yelled. "Break it up!"

"Not until I show him that he shouldn't mess with me." Holden growled.

"Go jump off a roof." Ben snarled. "I got the girl. You didn't. Now BACK. OFF."

"Nope." Holden stood his ground. "It's time for round two, Calloway. And this time, I'm going to win."

"Yeah right." Ben scoffed.

"You-" Holden started, only to get cut off by me.


"Why won't you date me?" Holden almost-whined.

"Come here." I dragged him out of the cafeteria and over to an abandoned hallway.

"Explain yourself." He commanded. Um, excuse me. You're not the one in charge of the situation.

"I could say the same thing." I muttered, rolling my eyes. He was starting to get annoying again.

"Just go!" Holden said impatiently.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, starting to question whether I should tell him or not.

Holden started tapping his foot agitatedly. "Sometime this century would be nice."

"I'm done." I put my hands up and walked away. "You're really being a jerk right now."

"Wait, I'm sorry!" He called, chasing after me.

"No you're not." I stated bluntly.

"I don't understand."

"You're right," I felt the tears jerk to my eyes. "You DON'T understand."

"What?" He pleaded.

"Don't you see?" I whipped around, and his eyes widened when he saw the tears falling freely. "I'm Skylar."


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