Coach Boone

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Sandy blew her whistle signaling Gerry, Ray and a few other boys practicing to stop their play so she could correct them.
"Come on Kurt don't let Ray knock you down like that! You're twice his size!" Sheryl yelled for her sister.
"You heart the girl Kurt!" Sandy said when Kurt gave her 'come on' look.
Gerry came over to Coach Yoast, who signaled for Sandy to run practice while they talked.
Alan ran down the stairs and announced that there was a rally down the street.
Ray grabbed Sandy's hand and pulled her along with them as the boys ditched practice and ran to the store.
They stopped when Coach pulled up.
"Get in the truck." Yoast said dead serious.
"Gerry, Ray, Alan if you ever wanna play for me again you get in the truck now." He demanded.
The boys climbed in the bed of the truck. Ray was in the front and Alan helped Sandy up.
They went straight to Yoast's office where there was a black man holding Yoast's football.
The assistant coach Tyrell of Yoast's staff started insulting the man.
Yoast said something as well earning a scoff from his eldest daughter.
Coach Boone kept his cool.
"Coach Boone this is Sandra and Sheryl my daughters. They keep the boys in line. And Sandra helps coach the offense." Yoast introduces his daughters.
Sheryl was sitting down in a chair in Yoast's office, Gerry stood just behind her with his hand gripping the back of the chair. You could tell the two were close, despite the age difference they were like brother and sister.
Sandy was sitting on one of the tables in the office. Ray leaned next to her with his arms crossed, he'd always liked Sandy, but he was a player and no girl could ever make him change his ways, he made sure of that.
Alan leaned on the other side of Sandy. Alan had a girlfriend, one that hated Sandy because of how close she and Alan were. Luckily Emma, Gerry's girlfriend understood that Sandy and Gerry were close and she knew better than to come between them.
Sandy hopped down from his desk and walked up to Boone.
She held out her hand. "Everyone calls me Sandy." She said with a smile.
"Hermman Boone." He shook her hand smiling at how different she was from her dad.
"Gerry how about you take Sandy and Sheryl home." Yoast said and Gerry nodded. Hitting Ray and Alan to signal they were coming with.
Emma ran up to Gerry.
"Hey Gerry we're all going to the hill wanna come?" She asked pointing to the car she got out of.
"I would love to but I gotta take Sandy and Sheryl home." Gerry replied.
"Well I'm coming." Ray said hopping in the car.
"You go Gerry, we can walk." Sandy said smiling.
"You sure?" He asked.
She nodded with a smile.
"You coming Alan?" Elizabeth, his girlfriend asked from the car.
"No I'm gonna stick here for a little." Elizabeth shrugged and glared at Sandy before the car drove off.
"Come on." Alan said motioning his hand for them to follow.
"You didn't have to stay Alan we can walk home." Sandy said.
"Look Dee if I wanted to go with them I would've." He said opening the door for Sheryl who jumped In the back before opening the door for Sandy. She got in hesitantly. He closed the door for her and got in the drivers seat. He drove the two home and Sandy and Alan said bye to each other and Alan drove home.
Sandy made dinner and got Sheryl ready for bed, brushing her hair and making it so her curls set overnight and she wouldn't have to do anything in the morning.
Yoast walked in as Sandy was doing the dishes.
"Your dinner is in the microwave, it will be cold soon." She said scrubbing her plate.
"Thanks hun." Yoast said hugging his daughter and getting his food.
He ate it and handed Sandy the plate. She sighed and cleaned it before kissing her fathers cheek and going to take a shower.
She dried off and walked to her room with a towel. Getting dressed and throwing on Alan's old football sweatshirt.
The next day she woke up early, taking a 5 mile run before coming back, showering, getting dressed and making breakfast.

The next day she woke up early, taking a 5 mile run before coming back, showering, getting dressed and making breakfast

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Yoast walked down the steps as Sandy finished cooking.
"Boone asked u to go in early today he wants to talk." Yoast said and Sandy nodded.
She pulled on Alan's old sweatshirt once more and walked to the school.
She walked to the Gym and saw Boone and Hinds standing outside talking.
"Hey sorry I'm late my dad didn't tell me you wanted me to come in early until about half an hour ago. And then I had to walk." Sandy explained.
"That's alright Sandy we were just about to get started." Boone said smiling at her. She nodded and smiled back.
"You must be Coach Hinds, I'm Sandy." Sandy said extending her hand to the assistant coach.
"Nice to meet you too Sandy." He smiled back at her, shaking her hand.
Boone walked into the Gym with Hinds and Sandy right behind him.
He blew his whistle.
"What're you laughing at?" He asked one of the boys in front.
The boy replied with a smile.
They continued bickering, before Boone introduced Hinds and Sandy.
"That's Coach Hinds, and Coach Sandra." Boone pointed at them.
"And they're gonna tell you a little about themselves before we start." Boone added.
"I'm Coach Hinds, your offensive Lineman coach." Hinds said.
"First off you can just call me Sandy, Dee, San, whatever you like and I'll be helping coach Boone with the offense this year." She said and they all stared at her.
"She'll also be helping you with school. Anyone who's grades starts slipping she'll be tutoring to keep you eligible." He added.
"And in general if you need anything come to me." She added clapping her hands together with a smile.
"So we'll start from the right, he'll put your name and position." Hinds said and they all nodded.
"Petey Jones, running back, the running back y'all."  They all gave him Crap as he smiled.
"Jerry Harris, quarterback." Jerry said smiling.
"Rev!" Everyone cheered.
"Rev?" Sandy asked.
"Yeah coach it's just a nickname." He shrugged crossing his arms.
"It's Sandy." She corrected him and he raised his arms in surrender.
A guy came running in.
"And who in the name of heaven are you?" Hinds asked.
"Louie Lastik offensive lineman. Naval family just moved here from Bayonne, someone said football so I come running." He explained.
"What's going on everybody?" He asked smiling.
They looked at him like he was crazy, when the door opened and caught everyone's attention.
Boone left Sandy in charge while he talked to Yoast.
"Sheryl come here." She said to her sister who stood next to coach Tyrell with her arms crossed.
"Boys this is my sister Sheryl, she's gonna help me this year." Sandy said.
"So she's like your assistant?" Louie asked.
Sandy nodded smiling.
"I am no ones assistant, thank you very much." She said crossing her arms.
The boys ooed.
"Except mine munchkin." Sandy said pulling Sheryl in and ruffling her hair.
Sheryl growled at her.
Sandy stepped back in shock and slightly scared, the boys laughed at her reaction.
"Tomorrow morning you will arrive for the bus At precisely 7:29am if you arrive at 7:30 you will not be playing on my team this year, you will arrive in suits with ties, if you do not own a suit borrow one from your old man if you do not have an old man trade with a bum on the street." Boone said.
"Is that clear?" He asked and everyone nodded.
That night the Yoast's packed their things for a long 2 weeks of camp.

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