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Sandy and Sheryl woke up at 4:00am.
Sheryl wanted to go on Sandy's run with her.
Sandy got Sheryl ready then got ready herself.

They went on the run with Sheryl trailing behind most of the time

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They went on the run with Sheryl trailing behind most of the time.
They ran home and showered.
Sheryl going first before Sandy went after.
"Sheryl wear something nice." Her sister ordered.
"Why they're just a bunch of silly boys." Sheryl replied in a pair of jeans.
"Because he's making the boys wear Tuxedos, now if you wear a dress or even a skirt for all I care, you can wear my clothes on this trip." Sandy compromised.
Sheryl groaned but wasn't going to pass up wearing her sisters clothes.
Sandy put her in a red dress similar to her own.

They walked downstairs and Sandy made breakfast like always

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They walked downstairs and Sandy made breakfast like always.
The family walked down to the school. It was 7:00 when they got there.
They threw their stuff in the compartments under one of the busses. Then went to talk to coach Tyrell.
"Hello coaches." Boone said walking with a smile up to them.
"Boone." Tyrell said spitefully.
"Coach Yoast I was wondering if I could borrow my assistant coach for a minute." He said looking at Sandy.
Yoast said nothing but nodded.
Boone walked with Sandy to a woman with two kids hanging onto her.
"Sandy this is my wife Carol, and my daughter Nikki and Karen." Boone introduced them to the young coach.
"Hi it's mice to meet you." Sandy said holding out her hand for Carol to take.
"My names Sandy. I'm a junior in high school." She said smiling.
"I'm Carol." Boone's wife smiled back.
"So where's your mom?" Nikki asked looking around.
"Nikki!" Carol exclaimed in shock.
"It's fine." Sandy laughed with a warm smile.
Nikki looked up at her.
"My mom left a few year ago." Sandy explained.
"Why?" Nikki asked confused.
"Because my daddy loved football more than her." She said in terms that a 9 year old could understand.
"Well I'll see you 3 when I get back." Boone said kissing his wife and hugging her before kissing Karen and Nikki.
"It was such a pleasure to meet you." Sandy said smiling and walking away with Boone.
"You have a wonderful family." Sandy said to Boone as they walked towards the bus going over the 6 veer plays Boone had.
Gerry walked up to them.
"Coach I'm Gerry Burtier, I'm your only all American on this team. If you want us to play for your team you're going to have to reserve half the starting positions for Hammond players.
Half the office, half the special teams, you don't have to put your people on defense we got that covered too." Gerry said very rudely.
"Gerry if you don't calm down the only position you'll be playing is the bench." Sandy threatened.
"Shut up Sandy." Gerry said.
"What'd you say his name is? Jerry?" Boone asked.
"Gerry." Gerry corrected one a sort of growl.
"No no no you must've said Jerry as in Jerry Lewis, which would make you Dean Martin." Boone said. Sandy started giggling.
"Ladies and Gentleman I have an announcement to make we have Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin going to camp with us this year. Jerry tells the jokes Dean songs the songs and gets the girl. Let's give them a round of applause." Boone said clapping. No one else clapped but looked at him like he was crazy.
"Where's your folks Gerry?" He asked.
"Sandy come here." Yoast said to his daughter who sighed and walked over.
"Why were you laughing?" He asked.
"It was funny." Sandy defended herself.
"Now you put on your jacket and get on that bus." Boone said and Gerry nodded doing as told.
"And Dean, Fix that tie son." Boone told Ray. Who nodded once and started to fiddle with it, walking up to Sandy who fixed it for him.
He smiled and she nodded and he got on the bus.
She went to get on one of the busses when she saw it was all the Hammond players.
"Get off the bus." She demanded.
"Get off the bus or I will make you get off the bus." She demanded.
Boone looked at her confused.
"Come on get off the bus." He caught on when only white kids got off the first bus.
"I don't care if your Black, Green, Blue, White Orange or Pink, I want all of our defensive player over here and all of our offensive players over here." She said in the middle with Boone.
Boone started pairing the boys up to sit together.
"Sandy, Myself and Hinds will be on the offensive bus, Coach Yoast and Tyrell on the defensive bus let's move move move." Boone demanded.
"Get comfortable with your seating partner because that's who your roommate will be for the duration of camp." Sandy said.
"And who're you rooming with Sandy?" Ray asked getting up in her face.
"I don't know yet Ray." She replied standing on her tippy toes to meet his eyes.
"She gets to pick." Boone said smiling at her, Yoast trusted his daughter and hoped she would pick wisely, Sheryl would already be bunking with Him and he didn't want to force them to share a bed or have one sleep on the floor.
They all got on the bus and rode to Gettysburg college.
They all went to their rooms.
Sandy walked straight past Rays room.
Ray grabbed her arm.
"Hey Sandy." He smirked pulling her into the room, trapping her between the wall and himself.
He put an arm above her head.
"Ray." She said trying to leave.
"How about you bunk in here?" He suggested.
"No I already know who I'm bunking with." She said trying to push him away from her.
Ray ignored her and went to kiss her.
He started by kissing her neck and she desperately tried to push him off.
He made his way up to her lips before Rev pulled him off her.
Another boy who she didn't know put a hand on her back and lead her out of the room as Rev and Ray started fighting.
"What about Rev!" She yelled trying to turn back.
"He can handle himself, who're you bunking with?" He asked.
"I'm gonna ask Blue and Alan." She said.
"After I go back." She said turning from his grip and running back to the room to see Ray on top of Rev.
"Ray let him go!" She screamed pushing Ray off him.
She helped Rev up and let Ray get up on his own.
Ray went to swing at Rev.
"You touch him and I swear I will never speak to you again." She threatened.
"You think that has any power over me?" He asked smirking.
"Well seeing as the fact you just tried to have sex with me, yeah I think it does." She said turning to Rev.
"Come on." She said pulling Rev out into the hallway and down towards the bathrooms.
"Stop fucking each other there's a girl coming in!" She yelled before walking inside. Everyone in the bathroom stopped and watched as Sandy came in first followed by Rev.
Everyone looked confused.
"Sit." She said pointing to the chair.
She grabbed a towel and got it wet.
She cleaned the blood off his face and somehow made the swelling in his face go down.
She sent him back to his room and walked out, going to Alan and Blue's room.
"Hey guys. Can I bunk with you?" She asked hopefully.
"I sing in my sleep." Blue warned her.
"Good." She smiled brightly.
"So do I." She added making Blue and Alan laugh and Blue hugged her, cheering.
"I'm gonna go talk to Gerry." Alan said after a minute.
"Wait!" She said popping up and walking over to him.
She unbuttoned his shirt and loosened his tie.
"You're gonna make me do it later anyway." She said as he looked down confused at her actions.
"Thanks Dee." He said smiling and walking out.
"Oh you got the hots for him Dee." Blue said when Alan walked out.
"No I don't!" She protested.
"Oh you can't even deny it now Dee you so like him." Blue said before they heard Alan's voice call about a fight.
The two ran out and into Gerry and Julius's room.
Alan caught her when she ran in and they somehow fell onto Gerrys bed.
She looked up at him, as he was on top of her.
She took out her whistle that was around her neck.
She blew it and caught everyone's attention.
Alan leaned back up so he was sitting, and Sandy leaned on her elbows.
"Mess Hall now!" She yelled.
Everyone filed out.
"NOW!" She yelled obviously annoyed.
Alan noticed the marks on her neck as they walked out together.
"What's that?" He asked touching them.
"It's nothing." She lied.
"Well take my jacket, we both know your dad will kill you if he sees that." Alan said smiling and handing her his leather jacket, she popped the collar and they walked down together.
"Why aren't you in your uniform?" Boone asked.
"I was busy keeping these hooligans from killing each other." She said making eye contact with Alan who was in the front next to Ray.
Boone nodded.
"Go get changed." He said and she nodded, walking back to her room.
She folded Alan's jacket and laid out his football gear on the floor, doing the same with Blue's gear.
She put makeup on her neck to hid the faint hickeys Ray has given to her.
She passed Blue and Alan and high fives the two of them at the same time.
She skipped to the field and met with the coaches.
"We're doing 2 a days for now but I may change that to 3." He said and the coaches all nodded.
"Blue, Alan, ready?" Boone asked and the two boys nodded.
"That was fast." Yoast said confused.
"Well-" Blue started.
"We're just ready to work." Alan cut him off winking at Sandy.
The rest of the coaches nodded at the answer.
"Good, you two will be first to get water then today." Boone said and the two of them smiled brightly and chest bumped.
Practice when on like Boone scheduled. He made 2 people run.
They went to get lunch.
Louie was walking with Sandy so they got lunch together.
"Come on, sit with me." He said smiling.
Sandy laughed and nodded, following him to a table.
"Whatchu doing?" Julius asked confused.
"Eating lunch." Louie said confused.
"I see you eating lunch, but why're you eating it over here? Why aren't you eating with your people? Both of you?" He said.
"We don't have any people." Sandy said.
"Aye! Blondie!" Blue yelled sitting on the other side of her and hugging her. She laughed.
They started talking.
She heard Ray say something about her and Louie being traitors.
"Lastik, Sandy, get on up here." Boone called to them. Louie stood and get into a military stance.
"I want you to tell me something about your black teammates." Boone said.
"Sir yes sir! I eat lunch with Rev sir! People call him Rev because he's always praying and won't abide by a foul tongue sir!" He yelled, military style.
Rev smiled at that.
"What else?" Boone asked.
"We both like temptations sir." Louie said before starting to sing.
They continued while Sandy looked at Alan, who had been dancing slightly but frowned at something Ray had said to him.
"Sandy, tell me something about Alan." He said noticing they were looking at each other.
"His girlfriends name is Elizabeth, he turns 18 on October 20th his parents held him back a year so he's only a junior and he likes vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles on the top." Sandy said knowingly.
"What's Alan gonna do after high school?" Boone asked.
"He doesn't know yet sir." She replied.
"Tell me something about blue." He said.
"He sings in his sleep, and he has two sisters." Said said smiling at her friend who smiled back.
"Who's next?" Boone asked.
"Campbell? Bertier?" Both shook their heads.
"We will be doing 3 a days until everyone can say one thing about their teammates. Dismissed." Boone said. Nearly everyone groaned when they stood.
Blue and Alan went back to their room with Sandy.
Ray went off with Petey.
Alan turned on the stereo, country music blasted.
Blue sat on his bed covering his ears.
"Come on." Sandy said pulling Blue up.
She started line dancing, Blue sat back down so Alan jumped down from his bed and danced with her.
"What do you think of this one?" He finally asked.
"Does the term "cruel and unusual punishment" mean nothing to you two?" He asked.
"Nope!" She yelled. When the song finished she plopped onto Alan's bed.
He lied down next to her.
They got ready for the next practice.
The day went on. When they finally had time at the end of the day.
Gerry has been in the phone for 10 minutes.
"Sandy, Emma wants to talk to you." Gerry said so Sandy nervously walked to the phone.
"Sandy?" Emma started.
"It's about James." She continued.
"What about him is he hurt?" She asked confused.
"No nothing like that. But Sandy, he cheated on you. With Chrystal." Emma explained.
Sandy said nothing but handed the phone back to Gerry. She got back in line.
"What's wrong?" Blue asked her.
"Nothing." She said holding back tears.
"Dee, talk to us." Alan said putting his hands on her shoulders and rubbing them slightly.
"It's nothing." She said.
"Come on man I gotta call my girl too!" Blue complained.
"Oh come on baby don't do this now." Gerry said groaning slightly.
He sighed and whispered, "I love you sugar." Before slamming the phone knowing he'd get Crap for it.
Blue called his girlfriend Jasmine.
Next was Sandy. Blue waited for her and Alan so they could go back together.
She put his number in and waited till he picked up.
He was breathing heavily.
"What were you doing?" She asked suspiciously.
"Oh just got done running." He said back.
"Running?" She asked knowing he was lying.
"Are you sure you weren't with Chrystal?" She asked calling him out on his lie.
"How do you know about that?" He asked.
"It doesn't matter how I know!" She yelled into the phone.
"If you don't tell me what happened between you and Chrystal we're done!" She yelled into the phone waiting for a response.
"Fine! Did you just expect me to wait for you to come back?! You're still a Virgin Sandy! I wasn't about to wait to get some until your ready! You're not worth it!" He yelled back at her.
"Yes I expected you to wait because that's what good boyfriends do! They don't cheat on their girlfriends because they go away for two weeks! They don't sleep around with their girlfriends ex best friends. We're over!" Sandy yelled slamming the phone back on the receiver and running down the hallway.
She went into the girls bathroom and locked herself in a stall.
Blue didn't dare follow her in there.
Instead he waited for Alan to get off the phone and hope he could convince her to come out.
Alan walked to the bathroom where Blue sat outside the door.
Gerry, Julius, Petey and Rev followed.
"She in there?" Gerry asked pointing to the door.
Blue nodded.
Gerry opened the door and Alan went inside.
He held it closed from the outside.
"Alan!" Sandy yelled.
"What they hell are you doing in here?" She asked.
"What happened out there?" He asked.
"I broke up with James that's what." She replied coming out of the stall and looking in the mirror.
"If it makes you feel better, Elizabeth was at Brady's house." Alan said trying to comfort her.
"No it doesn't make me feel better because James Cheated on me!" She yelled before storming out.
"Let me talk to her." Blue said to the boys, going into their room.
"Dee." He started.
She was wearing a pair of running shorts with a tank top.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"For a run." She said throwing her hair up.
"You need to take a jacket it's gonna be cold." He said not trying to stop her.
She sighed and let him hand her a jacket.
"What happened?" He asked sitting her down.
She broke down and cried into his shoulder.
"James cheated on me with the school slut." She could barely talk.
"He said he didn't want to wait until I was ready, he said I wasn't worth it." She continued sobbing.
Blue just sat on his bed holding her.
She soon stopped sobbing and her breathing evened. She was asleep.
Blue stood, picking her up.
He opened the door and Alan shot up from the ground.
Gerry, and Julius were asleep, leaning again the wall. Gerrys head was on Julius's shoulder, Rev and Petey had gone back to their rooms.
Alan kicker Gerry waking him and Julius wake up and look at each other before standing.
"Put her on my bed." Alan said lifting the covers.
Blue placed her gently on his bed.
"How is she?" Gerry asked.
"She said some James guy cheated on her." Blue explained.
"James is her boyfriend." Gerry clarified.
"Ex boyfriend now." Blue added.
"You guys talk outside." Alan said and the boys nodded.
Alan sat down on his bed.
She started to stir in her sleep.
"Alan." She said waking up drowsily.
"I'm right here Dee." He said pushing her hair out of her face.
"Good. Will you stay with me?" She asked with her eyes still closed.
"Yeah." He said before sighing.
She scooted over still very tired and Alan lied down.
He was on his back and looking at the ceiling.
Blue walked back in alone.
He looked at the two figures on Alan's bed, raising his eyebrows at Alan who looked over at him.
Sandy shifted and placed her hand on Alan's chest, her head laying down almost immediately after.
Alan smiled and put his arms around her, pulling her closer, by the morning Sandy was comfortably lying on top of Alan and Alan had his arms wrapped tightly around her.
Sandy woke up at 4am.
She went for her usual morning run, laying out the boys clothes again.
She walks down towards the mess hall.
"Hey honey." Yoast said drinking coffee.
"Hey dad." She said now in a pair of paperbag jean shorts and her maroon polo.
"Hey I know this is a lot to ask of you but the cooks are away for the weekend, do you mind cooking the boys food?" He asked and Sandy nodded, making the boys food like she said she would.
She finished laying everything out when the boys arrived.
They got their food like normal.
"Who made all this?" Blue asked.
"Beats me." She lied shrugging.
"It's amazing!" He cheered smiling.
She smiled back at him.
Alan looked over to his friend and smiled.
He knew what her cooking tasted like.
"It's good." He mouthed making her smile and look down.
They started practice later that day.
Ray missed the block on purpose for Rev.
"What was that Ray? Because it sure as hell wasn't blocking!" Gerry yelled.
"Give me a break man." Ray replied confused at his friends outburst.
"Let them go coach." Sandy said crossing her arms.
"We can't be there to coddle them on the field when something like this happens." She explained.
"Give you a break?! I'll hit you so hard when you come to you'll need a new haircut how does that sound for a break!" Grey yelled. Their helmets hit hard before Gerry backed up and got back into position.
Rev started again.
Ray blocked this time.
Everything fell into place.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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