Beautiful day in Puddlebrook

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Butterbean and Cricket were flying around, finding their way to the cafe. 

Butterbean: Isn't today a beautiful day Cricket?

Cricket: Yes, Butterbean. Do you think the cafe will be busy today?

Butterbean: Cricket, the cafe is always busy.

Cricket: Oh right (laughs) What is on the menu today?

Butterbean: Well, rainbow soup with a side order of baked chicken.

Cricket: Cool! 

A few minutes later, they made it to the cafe, with Jasper carrying one of his deliveries. 

Jasper: Hi Butterbean, Crix

Both: Hi Jasper.

Butterbean: Where are you heading?

Jasper: I am going back to the farm, because Dazzle told me to go get some more strawberries for the smoothies.

Butterbean: Can I go with you... you know... to help with the deliveries and pick strawberries from the farm.

Jasper: Sure, I would love the company.

Butterbean: Cricket, can you go inside the cafe, and tell Poppy and Dazzle that I am going with Jasper.

Cricket: Sure big sister.

Cricket goes inside the cafe.

Dazzle: (working at the smoothie stand) Hi Cricket, where's Butterbean?

Cricket: She went with Jasper to do deliveries and to the farm to pick up your strawberries. 

Dazzle: (Wipes her forehead) That's good... because I really need more, because all of the strawberries are running out.

Cricket walks into the kitchen to see Poppy cooking.

Poppy: Hey Cricket!

Cricket: Hi Poppy! What's on the menu today?

Poppy: Well, Rainbow noodle soup and baked chicken; and for dessert we have Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Cricket: Chocolate Chip Cookies.... mmmmm. (Licking her lips)

Poppy: (Laughs) Yep.... Hopefully I could finish them in time. Anyway, where's Butterbean?

Cricket: She went with Jasper to go deliver deliveries and pick up strawberries for Dazzle.

Poppy: Cool! Do you want to help me make the cookies?

Cricket: Sure!

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