Lets go find them

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Cricket and Poppy almost forgot to check on the cookies, until Dazzle came in saying that she smell something burning.

Poppy: Dazzle, we need to close the cafe.

Dazzle: Why?

Cricket: My sister and Jasper isn't back and their not answering their phones.

Poppy: So, we need to put the close sign up.... like now.

Dazzle: Guys, you worry too much, they are probably making deliveries or....

Cricket: You don't believe us?

Dazzle: I do but.....

Cricket: But what?

Dazzle: Well, I don't know.

Cricket: So.... we are closing the cafe?

Dazzle: (Gasps) Sure.

Poppy and Cricket: Yay!

Dazzle: But how are we supposed to look for them?

Poppy: Right, they ave the sweet ride.

Cricket: Did you guys forget, we are fairies, we have wings.

Poppy: Thats right Cricket. What do you say Daz?

Dazzle: Ummmmm..... Ok lets do this.

Poppy: All right. Once this last customer leave, we are going to close the cafe.

Dazzle flew out the kitchen and back to her smoothie stand, where the last customer was standing there looking at the smoothie menu.

Dazzle: Hello, Ms. HoneyBrooke, what can I get for you today?

Ms. HoneyBrooke: A strawberry smoothie please.

Dazzle: Coming right up..... Oh no! I forgot! Jasper was supposed to bring the strawberries this morning.... (sighs) I am so sorry Ms. HoneyBrooke, but we are out of strawberries.

Ms. HoneyBrooke: Oh. Thats Okay. How about a mango smoothie.

Dazzle: Coming right up.

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