Painting and Peace

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          The next morning, Kamaria woke up and headed to the showers. She took a short, five minute shower and changed into her clothes for the day, which consisted of ripped jeans and a soft, long sleeved shirt. She made her way to the dining hall for a light breakfast. The dining hall was pretty empty, with the exception of a few younger girls huddled at a table in the corner, and Rune, sitting alone at a table somewhere in the middle of the room. Kamaria went through the line, grabbed a box of cereal, and made her way toward Rune.

          "I noticed that you were alone. My name's Kamaria, but you can call me Kam. And I guess you're Rune."

          "Yep. That's my name, don't wear it out!"

          Kamaria giggled at her response. A lot of people were dull or uptight here, but Rune had a lighthearted and goofy side to her.

          "Mind if I sit here? I could use another friend."

          "Sure, I could use one too. How long have you been here?"

          "Probably about a week. I kind of lost track of time,"

          "Ahh, I probably will soon. I just got here yesterday. My dad drove me here because he was tired of dealing with my bipolar ass. Jokes on him though, when I get out I'll still be bipolar. This place isn't a cure, just a vacation for parents."

          "Wow, if that isn't accurate, I don't know what is."

          "Yep!" She laughed, popping the 'p' "Why are you here?"

          "Ummm, I mixed Adderall and vodka."

          "Wow, that's a killer combo."

          "Well, you'd think so. But judging by where I am right now, I'd say it's not so killer after all." The girls laughed awkwardly due to the slightly uncomfortable conversation topic. Kamaria got up.

          "Alright. I gotta go to my one-on-one session with Dr. Hudson now. She's... a peach. See ya later!" She threw her trash away and left the dining hall.

          She made her way to Dr. Hudson's office, opened the door, and plopped herself in a chair.

          "Ah, Miss Effana! Right on time. How are you settling in here?" Dr. Hudson spoke.

          "Not bad, I guess. I've made a few friends. I don't really get along with my roommate. Or... I guess she's the one that doesn't get along with me." Kamaria shrugged, shifting in her seat.

          "Well I'm glad you've made friends, and don't beat yourself up over Miss Pippen, she doesn't get along with anyone. She's been here for four months. But never mind that, how are you feeling today?"

          "I'm okay, I guess I'm not bad, but the day just started, so I guess time will tell."

          "Well okay is always better than terrible. The doctor's and I are still trying to decide the best plan of action in regards to medication. Do you have any questions for me?"

           "Um, I guess I'm just wondering how much longer I'll be in this place?"

           "Once we've decided on a medication treatment and you've been on it for a little, we will make a release plan together and let you go. It could be a week or longer, but as long as you show improvement, it wont be much longer. Anything else?" She asked.

           "Nope, that's it."

           "Alright Miss Effana, you're free to go, it's free time right now. Enjoy yourself."

           Kamaria left the office and drifted down the corridors, eventually finding herself at the art room door. She walked in and made her way to the supply cabinets, She pulled out the oil pastels and a sheet of paper. Unsure of what to draw, she began making a rainbow. Drisana walked into the room and glanced at what Kamaria was drawing. She grabbed a piece of paper herself and sat down next to Kamaria. She began to draw a heart, filling it in with a blend of blue, purple, and pink. Kamaria set down the pastels and looked at Drisana's drawing.

          "I like your heart. Does that mean that you're-"

          "Bi? Yeah. I usually give off a vibe. You gave off a vibe too. And the rainbow?"


          The girls sat in awkward silence until Drisana spoke up.

          "So... you wanna go to the movie room and watch something? Most of the girls are in the gym for some basketball tournament."

          "Sure. I'm not really one for sports anyways."

          Kamaria and Drisana put up the art supplies and made their way to the movie room. The room had several couches and chairs, some blankets, and a bookshelf full of movies. There was one big TV in the middle of the back wall. Kamaria walked to the bookshelf to pick a movie.

         "Any requests?" She asked.

        "Surprise me!"

        Kamaria's eyes scanned the shelf until they came across the Harry Potter series. She grinned, knowing that since it was only 10:00 am, they had most of the day to binge a series.

       "Harry Potter marathon!" She exclaimed. Drisana's face lit up in excitement as she frantically nodded her head up and down. "I'll take that as a yes." Kamaria laughed and put in the first DVD. She grabbed the TV remote and sat on the couch next to Drisana. The movie started and the girls put the blanket over them.

         The first movie ended and Drisana begged for the next movie. Kamaria switched out the DVD's and sat back down, a little closer than before. Next movie started and Drisana seemed at peace.

         Somewhere into the fourth movie the girls found themselves entangled in each other, paying too much attention to the screen to notice how incredibly close they had gotten. They were cuddled up, lost in the world on the TV screen, unable to break away from their perfect little world.

         Kamaria glanced at Drisana, who was beginning to fall asleep. She pulled her even closer, and Drisana's head was resting on her stomach. Drisana nestled herself into her arms and fell soundly asleep.

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