destruction... (Kylie/Miley)

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**currently in a random city floating above**

Kylie:*giggles* you know sister since we found what we were looking for you know what that means!

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Kylie:*giggles* you know sister since we found what we were looking for you know what that means!

Kylie:*giggles* you know sister since we found what we were looking for you know what that means!

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Miley: Yes! We get to blow the city up! Like father said! Yay!

Kylie: yes but mother will get mad if we do.

Miley: hmmm your right.

Both: hmmm oh I know let's just blow up a small part of it! *gasps* you had the same idea as me! *giggles* being twins is so much fun!! **they said as they put their hands in the air as they charged a bright purple energy ball then throws it down at the city causing a huge explosion destroying a "small" Part of the city**

Both: hmmm oh I know let's just blow up a small part of it! *gasps* you had the same idea as me! *giggles* being twins is so much fun!! **they said as they put their hands in the air as they charged a bright purple energy ball then throws it down ...

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Both:*starts laughing at what they done* it's so beautiful!!! *laughs more*

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