Twenty eight

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Payton's P.O.V
She seemed to hurt when I grabbed her arm.
"Sophia you okay?" I ask her
"Yes,let go of me." She says tugging her arm
I squeeze it so she can't escape.
"Ow wtf!" She says
No. She couldn't of. I know she didn't. I pull up her sleeve and see cut marks. She did this. Because of me. I look up and her and she's looking at the ground.
"So- what? Why sophia?"I ask with tears escaping my eyes
"I felt like I wasn't good enough. And you kissed Riley because... she was better than me..."she says still looking down. I did this to her. Why am I so fucking dumb.
"Okay. I'm going to go home... give you some space. And. Yeah. Bye." I say walking out the door emotionless.
Sophias P.O.V
I'm so done. Payton has officially ruined me. Like come on. What if he realized that Riley is better than me. I can't- I've been holding back. All this time! Just for him. Does he not know how many boys hit on me? I turn them down for him. But he looses to a single girl. That's just- no. I need answers.
"Hello?" I ask
"I'm guessing you saw the photo?" Riley says
She sounds like she's been crying?
"I know we are not friends, but can I talk to you?" She asks
"Yes, what's up?" I ask


I'll post tomorrow I swear. Maybe. ANYWAYS, what's Riley doing? Alsooooo DONT be sad that they are broken up!! It's just going to add up and be epic. Bye hoes

Player; Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now