Chapter One

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Hey hey hey :) So sorry about not uploading in ages >.< just been stressed out with exams, projects, etcs just school in general.

Anyway, here is a new story that we created XD It's a Harry Potter Fanfiction! I wanted to do this so badly and thankfully _Vindr_ agreedXD So here is it. We have 200 word pages done on this so far so don't worry about updates, I'll make them once a week from now on promise :)

Anywho, this is basically about our two characters in Hogwarts in the time of Harry Potter but doesn't focus on the Harry Potter plot, but it's there, just not the main part :)



Chapter One: Returning to Hogwarts, Year 5 and counting.


Phoenix Knight

Another September, another new year of school for all those who piled onto the train. Yet this year it was different, there was a tension in the air. Curious glances were shot around as people piled onto the Hogwarts Express and peered into each carriage. They were looking for one person. One boy who claimed that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back. They were searching for Harry Potter.

I sighed shaking my head slightly, as I rested my elbow on the window ledge and propped my chin onto my fist. It was ridiculous. Everything that had transpired recently was utterly ridiculous.

Cedric Diggory had died during the end of the Triwizard Tournament. He had died away from the eyes of any who knew him, but one. Harry Potter claims that he’d been with Cedric when he was killed by You-Know-Who. The Daily Prophet ate up the news and now proclaimed that Harry was a liar seeking attention and that Professor Dumbledore was aiding him.

The Ministry swore that You-Know-Who was not back. They bluntly called Harry a liar and worse. It was stupid but people were turning on him. I heard them arguing, agreeing with the Ministry, making snobby comments about Potter and even Dumbledore.

Yet, I was torn, I didn’t know what to believe. My parents believed Dumbledore’s words, more importantly, they believed Harry.  That’s why as I sat on the train, waiting for it to leave, they were on their way to Europe. Away from the trouble they could feel brewing here. They had talked about sending me to another school, but father refused. He claimed that I was safest here in Hogwarts and that even if You-Know-Who was back, I wouldn’t be harmed. Simply because, he thought that because of my house, I would be safe.

I was Slytherin.

That is why mum reluctantly agreed to send me back, but she didn’t believe that I would be safe because of my house. I wasn’t like all other Slytherins, I didn’t detest those who were muggle born or half-bloods. In fact, two of my closest friends were a muggle born and a half-blood. There were four of us in total and we were from the same neighbourhood, and were best friends since diapers.  Another reason I wasn’t similar to my housemates was because all of my friends were from different houses.

It wasn’t our fault we were divided into different houses but we were damned if we were going to suddenly end our friendship because of it. Unfortunately, our housemates didn’t see it that way. Mainly my house, Slytherin and Maddy’s, Gryffindor.

It began during our first year, the older students in our houses approached us and told us, separately, that it was for our best interest to cease our friendships. While I had cowered back from the older Slytherin’s who were blatantly threatening me, Maddy had kicked one of the older Gryffindor’s in the shin and barged off.

Giving Up Slowly *Harry Potter*Where stories live. Discover now