Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: All About the Threats


Phoenix Knight

“Why would you do something like that?” I hissed to Malfoy as we headed towards out next class. “There was no need to provoke him like that.”

“Why did you stand up for a Gryffindor?” he shot back giving me a side long glance and raising a brow.

“I do not like those terms, is all,” I huffed holding my books closer to my chest and glancing away. I was uncomfortable around him now, after the stunt. My cheeks reddened once again as I recalled the feeling of his arms curling around my waist and his lips brushing against my skin.

“And that is one of the reasons you are pissing off the others,” he muttered grabbing my arm and yanking me suddenly into an empty corridor. I stumbled and righted myself jerking away to glare at him.

“I don’t care about that,” I snapped back gritting my teeth and rubbing my arm slightly.

“Listen Knight,” he hissed pressing closer and leaning down to speak softly and harshly. “I’ve warned you once. Stop acting like a pathetic Gryffindor. You are Slytherin. Show it.”

“And if I don’t?” I mumbled, my cheeks burning more from the close contact as I swallowed. I’d forgotten how scary Malfoy could be when he wanted.

“Then it would be a shame if you or your precious friends were hurt,” he murmured, spitting out the word ‘friends’ as if it tasted foul to him.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I snarled suddenly furious at the boy before me. I shoved my hands against his chest, intent of pushing him back but instead he pressed against me his hands slapping against the wall on either side of my head as he leaned in.

“I never said it would be me,” he whisper, his lips tauntingly brushing my ear as he spoke.

“Stop it,” I mumbled pressing my hand against his chest, in order to try and move him away.

“Stop what?” he drawled back and I could hear the smirk in his tone. “This?”

Before I could even wonder what he was planning, his lips pressed against my jaw. I stilled, eyes snapping open as a gasp left my mouth. What was he doing? Why was he playing me?

The hand on his chest clenched around the material of his shirt as he dragged his soft lips lower, trailing them down my neck. This couldn’t be happening, I thought absently as my head eased back baring my throat for him.

The chuckle that reached my ears was low and dare I say it, seductive as Malfoy nipped my neck before easing and smirking at me triumphantly. His eyes racked over me while I leaned back against the wall, my cheeks burning as I struggled to slow my breathing. When did my breathing increase?

“Why would you do that?” I grumbled jerking my hand away from his shirt and biting my lip.

“To prove a point,” he smirked slowly fixing his shirt and making a face at the wrinkles I’d caused.

“What point?”

I never knew his arrogant smirk could get bigger but it did as his eyes glinted and he licked his lips. Unwillingly, my eyes dropped to follow the movement and he chuckled again, this time smugly as he purred. “That you’re attracted to me.”

“I..I..” I spluttered my eyes darting around, looking anywhere but him biting my lip. Shit, I thought blushing further, it wasn’t like I liked him like that, I continued in my head as he merely watched me with what I assumed was boyish satisfaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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