part 1

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5pm sunday was when the lockdown was announced. I was sitting on my sofa with my legs propped up onto it too. A blanket was draped over my legs as the world had been cold recently; it was as if the sun had faded away into this heatless sphere in the sky floating above us.

I remember the feeling when the president announced this lockdown. My stomach dropped and acid rain fell from my tear ducts. Pain hit my heart and I clawed at my chest as if I could take my heart out. What was I going to do? I was home alone, no parents , no siblings and being completely honest I had a lack of friends especially since I couldn't see my aunt. I was completely alone and while it felt right for an introverted mind it felt so wrong for someone who had relied on my parents since I was born. After this overwhelming feeling of sadness I went to sleep, hoping this was all just a bad dream. Hoping I'd wake up to normality.

However here I am on a Wednesday, 3 days since the announcement. Everything is the same and I'm trying to busy myself. I'm managing my way through my stacks of books that have been collecting dust. I've come across one book that I forgot about. I took it from the library a week ago and didn't return it. It's called 'It ends with us' and so far it's been great, my aunt recommended it to me before she had to cut contact with us mysteriously.

However what I didn't expect was a piece of paper to be lodged between some of the pages. It seemed to have a phone number on it. Obviously my first instinct is to call the number, but what would I say? There isn't anything my voice could handle. By time the person would pick up I know I would be shaking. Everything is harder without my parents here. I miss them. I need them.

Maybe I'll call the stranger another time. Maybe, just maybe I'll be able to say 'hi'. But for now I'll just leave the speaking to the tv and I'll place this paper on my crowded bedroom desk, next to the picture of my aunt and under the book. Hopefully I don't forget about it.

Goodbye strange number, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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isolation: an invitation for the introverted Where stories live. Discover now