Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Meredith was stood on the concrete steps looking at the doors in front of her. She knew she had to step through them at some point in the next few minutes. Though she worked out she had at least another thirty seconds to debate this and a further ten seconds to actually breath deep enough to take the plunge and walk up the doors.

It confused her mostly why she was so nervous to step into the building. She had done this same routine at least five or was it now six other times this year. The process remained the same, she walked in, found her classroom, sat down, got introduced and did as she was told til her mom found yet another amazing opportunity, normally the opposite side of the country that then meant she would have to move all over again. She had learnt how not to make friendships because it never worked out. The first school she had made a friend who promised they'd be best friends forever. It took her only a month to stop replying back. She'd learnt how to avoid all human contact that wasn't necessary for a grade. She had learnt how to direct questions back to others as if to avoid giving out any personal information. The report that followed her around the country was the most personal thing about her. That was as personal as she got. Her name, age, and grades.

As she took the first step towards yet another new school, she sighed. "Here we go..." she whispered to herself. Pulling her bag back over her shoulder she pushed open the large wooden doors. The corridor was horrendously busy. This was definitely one of the biggest high schools she had been too. Everyone seemed to rush past her as if they were late, causing chaos in their strides. She couldn't help but keep her head down low, hiding her face as much as she possibly could. What was the point in drawing attention to her when she would only be here for the minimum of one term? Her mom never stayed still, why would this time be any different? She had overheard her mom on the phone last night discussing a major surgery she would be working on soon which is most likely why she was brought back to Seattle for this opportunity.

Her mom had informed her that the Principle would be waiting for her to arrive. She found the principles office without asking anyone, which was and would be her greatest achievement of the day. Her previous school's principles office had basically been out of the building and there was no way without someone taking her to the destination would she have found it. before she even got the chance to knock on the door it opened.

"Miss Grey?" The man appeared from behind the door with a welcoming smile, and a firm hand in front of him ready to grip hers.

She nodded mutely, shaking his hand firmly. If there was one thing her mom had taught her was that first impressions were everything and that started from the first impressions given by the handshake. Was it firm? Was it strong? Did you seem confident?

Bringing herself back to reality she walked into the small office and sat down opposite her new principle in one of the comfortable chairs. Ready for the same speech she heard everything she moved at around 9 am.

"Miss Grey, I can see here from your record that your current grades are outstanding. You seem to be averaging above most of your class here? And everywhere you've been? Oh wow, you've been to a few schools?" he noted, he obviously hadn't read her report in detail til now. It was the same reaction every time. She was obviously the most travelled student of all time.

Meredith nodded. "I spend a lot of time studying". She had spent a great deal of her life studying, preparing at the age of 10 to be a mini version of her mother. She had performed surgery on a teddy bear before her 11th birthday. She must have been the first child to do a complicated stitch on a teddy bear whose arm was torn off by a dog.

"Your mother got in contact with me. We went to school together. So when she explained she was coming back to Seattle I gave her no choice but to enrol you here". Meredith had not been told any of this but nodded in agreement as if she was ever included in any of the plans her mom made on her behalf. At this point, she believed her mom had probably arranged marriage and forgot to tell her.

"Here's your timetable, everything should be easy to understand, if you have any troubles at all, you know where my office is" he paused. "I've asked one of my most trusted students to show you around this morning, as I am in meetings all morning, so I do apologize but he should be waiting outside for you". Meredith smiled and got up to leave. She hadn't wanted a tour, just a simple this is your main classroom would have been sufficient. But what were a few more minutes of pretending to be sociable?

As soon as she got out of the room her fake smiled dropped. Another lesson she had learnt was to smile when she needed too. Her mother was constantly bringing around the latest surgeons and head of departments and of course, they wanted to meet the worlds most amazing surgeons daughter. Often asking her when it was her turn to shine and arguing over, which programme wanted her more.

"Meredith?" The tall boy looked at her. She sighed deeply. He definitely was dreamy, slightly too dreamy. Shuffling her feet she looked up at him and caught his eyes.

"Yep," she tried to look anywhere but at his face. McDreamy definitely had a ring to it though.

"My name is Derek". He confirmed. "Let's get going then shall we?".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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