Kelly Casen

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Animation class was tedious today, I kept rolling low, all my classmates were frustrated at my photography skills because of it. I didn't want to do bad, I did want to do well, it's just ugh when you can't always control the control you have its frustrating. But it's lunch now, get some food, sit down, and relax. Ryan was already sitting down on a bench waiting for me, he's such a great guy. I would have talked to him more only someone decided to walk in front of me. The school's bad girl, but I help people if they're convincing enough. 

"Hey." Cally said looking down on me.

"Oh, um Hello?" I questioned, sometimes its better to act clueless. 

"Come with me."

"I'm okay."

The hell was that. Ah yeah no I'm okay don't really want to go with the school's bad girl. I kept walking and she kept following me

"Kelly, I need you to help me. Please." Cally's voice pleaded. And then I gave in.

"Fine. Where are we going though?"


A voice broke in, Ryan's voice, it was sweet and low, dangerous but he could never hurt a fly.

"Where are you taking her?"

Ryan had a small history with Cally but whatever. 

"Ryan, please," Cally sighed, "I wanted help with some dress code rules"

I was surprised and not surprised at all, but hey I'm all for bending the rules slightly. 

"Ryan it's fine. It's what I do. I mean can't pull off Zelda like I did without studying the rules for a bit"

She started to lead me to one of the empty buildings at lunch time. Well it wasn't always empty, most of the art and the band kids hung out their because they either were planning to make an entrance into the lunch room or just wanted a place to cry were no one would bother them. I knew Ryan was following us ever so slightly because he never trusted Cally much anymore. 

But before we really got anywhere, we heard a bang. Not a bang of a lunch tray dropping, or a phone being smacked out of a hand. It was too loud to be any of that. Someone shot a gun. I don't know where it was, and where it was going. I didn't care.

I ran to the building we were originally going to. I didn't care that Cally was in heels, she shouldn't have worn them, Ryan was running with us, he was a runner, faster than me at least. We rushed into the building while other band kids and art kids were running out of there as fast as they could. 

A few band kids stayed, I'm guessing they thought it was a prop or a failed soundboard button being randomly pressed. I'm not sure, I don't have the answer they probably thought we were insane. 

Someone called out to us, "Why the heck are you running through the hallway?"

Roll for response, 14, " Shooter, gun shot, not soundboard" 

I didn't get a good look at his face, but I can only imagine what it looked like. Potentially scared, maybe they thought I was joking, but I didn't feel like this was any laughing matter. I am absolutely terrified. 

I started rolling, I don't know what I was rolling for, I was rolling though, 18, finally something high. I grabbed an unlocked closet door and pushed myself, Cally, and Ryan into the closet. 

I shut the door, the closet was huge and the lights were off. So I think we were all startled when we saw a computer light and heard a girl's voice.

I saw Ryan practically jump out of his skin as she started to speak.

"Excuse me, what the heck do you guys think you're doing in here?"

Cally was the only one able to form words, "Well darling, there is a gun on school campus and it seems we are now hiding."

"First off, the name is Mira, and what gunshot? I heard nothing."

The room must be mostly soundproof then, which means we might not even know if the person was right outside the door. They could be outside the door right now. I didn't want to start crying, but I could feel the tears roll down my cheeks. I never wanted to die, there are so many things I have yet to done. I'm close to graduating too, this can't be the end, it just can't be. 


Those were knocks. We were all silent, we had to be. 

"Please let me in!" called the voice. 

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