Chapter 3 : The beast

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Wade and Tera got up from the soft orange sand. They were filled with fear. They saw two huge red glowing eyes staring at the two of them angrily from the woods. They saw the creature step out of the dark woods with gloppy green saliva dripping out of its' mouth. It stood seven feet tall and had thick dirty brown hair covering its beastly muscular body. The thing had four muscular arms and thick black nails on its hairy hands and feet. Its stretched out a foot and then it opened its mouth. Wade and Tera could both see white razor sharp teeth in its giant mouth. It let out a booming roar. RAAAAAUURR! Green liquid sprayed all over them.

Tera screamed "RUN!"
They both sprinted full speed back to town with the monster chasing after them. When they got there they saw a group of armored aliens with big white and neon blue machine guns pointing at them. They wore bulky white outfits with big white helmets with black eye holes in them. King Ooza Loka came out floating on a golden throne, wearing a gold outfit and wearing a golden crown on his bald head. "KILL THEM!" he yelled, enraged.
All of a sudden VOOM! The giant monster jumped out of the woods and pounced on the alien army. Ooza floated far off into the distance until he was nowhere in sight. His army started shooting purple glowing lasers helplessly at the beast. The huge monster picked all of them up one at a time and smashed them on the sandy orange ground. There was only one left. "Please, please don't kill me."
The monster picked him up with all four arms and ripped him in half. Green gooey blood squirted everywhere and the aliens purple intestines slapped onto the ground. Wade fired five thundering shots into the beast's chest and he fell to the ground in pain. Blood dripped from his chest and he let out a loud "HOWOOOOOWH!"

The beast lay lifelessly on the ground. He was dead. Tera said "I know how to get to king Ooza Loka. She pointed to a hill. "That's called haunted hill. I'm not sure why but if we get there I'm sure we'll be able to see that loser's castle".
"Ok then we're burning daylight" Wade said and the two of them set off toward haunted hill. As they got closer and closer to the hill the sky began to get darker and darker and the orange sand was now knee deep. They finally made it to the dark green grass of the steep hill. Tera felt something like a twig grab her leg. She looked to see what it was and saw a tree with yellow sap dripping fast down his wooden chin. It spoke loudly "GET OFF MY HILL NOW"! It began to pull her toward his sticky mouth so he could eat her.
"HELP"! Tera screamed. Wade grabbed his gun and got ready to fire. He yelled "GET OFF OF MY FREIND YOU BIG LUMP OF WOOD BEFORE I PUT A BULLET IN YOUR STUPID EMPTY HEAD".

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