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Yuna's P. O. V.

I woke up feeling a bit tired. I turn and look at the clock. 7:00?!?!? Fuck I'm late!

I run around my room getting ready. Why didn't mom wake me up.  I grab my backpack and went downstairs.

"Mom!!" I yell but no response. "Mom?" I look around but the house was empty.

I was a little bit confused cause she would be here at the kitchen but she isn't.

I shrug it of and went outside and see the school bus driving away.

"No no no no." I start running behind it. "Oh come on!"  the bus went away really fast.

I started walking to school. This is the worst day.
Then my phone starts to ring.

I look at it and see that it's mom.

On the phone

"mom?" I responded

"oh honey. Did you eat breakfast?"

"no," I said than sight. "I was late again."  Then mom started laughing.

"I'm sorry I didn't wake you up darling. I had to run to work. I had an emergency."

"oh. It's okay" I said looking down at my feet while walking.

" Do you wanna do something after school?" she asked.

"i don't really know... "

"OK honey, I got to go. Love you!"

"Love you too."

The she hang up.

・   。time skip    。・

School finished.  I was to bored to go home so I called mom.


"yes honey?"

"can I come to your work today. I don't wanna go home."

"of course."

"okay then. Bye."

I hang up and go to the bus station to get the bus to my mom's work.

I walk in and everybody smiled at me and greeted me. If your wondering why is because my mom is a well known doctor here.

I walk to my mom's office and put my bag under her table.

"How was school?" she asked smiling at me.

"School was school." I say sitting next to her.

" i see you aren't in the mood." she said looking at me. I just nood my head in response.

Then the door opened. "mis Lee." the secretary said. "There is a new patient.  Here are the files. Boss wants to know if you will take him."

Mom took the files and looked into them. " Yeah sure. Bring him in." the secretary smiled at mom's answer and went to bring the patient.

"Yuna," I turn my head to look at her. "go sit on the chair behind mine." I do as she says and sit there.

Then the  door opens again revealing a boy being hold by the security. " it's okay you can let him go." mom said and they hesitate first but then let go.

The room was now filled by only me, my mom and the boy." come and sit down" my mom said to the boy showing him the sit in front of her desk.

Mom started to do some questions to him but he didn't answer most of them.

I was looking at him. He had a serious face, he didn't show any emotions. He than looked at me right in the eyes.

"well.. I will be wright back." my mom said and stand up.

She left me with him. It was a little bit awkward.

I was looking down when he suddenly spoke. "what's your name."

I looked at him shook. "me?" I question but he just stared at me with no expression.

"my name is Yuna. What about yours?" I said with a little smile, trying to be friendly.

He just looked at me again and then smirk. He got up from his seat and walked towards me.

I was freaking out. I got up from my chair and started to walk backwards untill I hit the wall.

He didn't stop walking.  The smirk turned into a maniac laugh. It was so scary.

He then got super close to me putting his head on my neck and his hand on my thigh.

" Get away from me!" I yell at him and push him but he didn't even move a bit.

"I said get way from me you bastard!!" I said pushing him even harder.

He stumbled back and his eyes turned dark. He ran to me and started chocking me with his hand.

"I will kill you! You made me come here! I will destroy your life!" he started saying weird things.

I put my hands on his trying to take them of. "P-please st-t-t-op." I tried to say.

"Yuna!!" I then heard my mom's voice. The security got him of me making me fall on the floor trying to catch my breath .

"I will destroy you!!! You ruined my life!!!!" he started to yell again.

"Yuna are you okay honey?" mom asked worryed holding my face making me look at her.

"Y-yes." I said at her still catching my breath.

"Are you sure?" she asked again. I just nod my head.

"let's go home."  she said helping me get up.

She took my school bag and we went out of the hospital and into the car.

The ride was silent. Mom was lost on her world. I didn't bother her.

We arrive home and I went to my room. Why did he do that? Why did he choke me?


It was dinner time so I went downstairs to eat food.

While eating I asked my mom what was wrong with him.

"he has mental disorder.  His name was jimin. He is homeless, and the family who adopted him tortured him. As he grew up he started to have mental problems." mom said looking at her plate.

Do people really do this? "But why did they adopt him if they would end up torturing him?" I asked my mom confused.

"I don't know..." mom said looking at me this time. "now eat the soup before it gets cold."

She said pointing at my plate with her spoon.

Mental illness ||| Jung WoojoungWhere stories live. Discover now