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     You stood motionless, staring at the ominous double doors before you. You had been dreading this day for over a month, but here you stood. Your father had promised this would be the last time. You really hoped he hadn't lied to you.

Pulling your bag tightly against your shoulder, you took a deep breath and let your feet guide you through the blue doors. The click behind you could barely be heard as the noise inside the building immediately assaulted your ears. Teenagers loitered the hallways in every nook and cranny. No one bothered to even glance at the new girl.

You didn't bother to interrupt anyone's conversation. Instead you set out to find the office on your own. By now you were used to it, so much so that it was practically routine. Growing up with a father in the military, you were always just "that new girl." Fourteen schools in twelve years didn't leave a lot of time to make friends. Your father promised that this time would be different. You were going to be able to do your entire senior year at one school.

There was one big difference this year than all the years previous. This year you'd be completely alone. Your big brother wouldn't be here. You were almost exactly a year apart so he graduated last year, leaving you to fend for yourself during your senior year. Without your best friend by your side, you weren't sure how you were going to make it through the year.

The white lettering over the glass told you that this was the door you were looking for. Pulling the door open, you wandered inside letting the quietness inside the small office push away the noise of the hallway.

Chairs on either side ran along the wall. Straight in front of her was a large wooden desk, complete with one of those swinging doors to keep the unwanted out. There were two smaller desks behind the main desk, both neat and organized, but it was only the beginning of the school year, so only time would tell if they stayed that way. The door to the left she surmised was probably the principal's office.

The girl sitting behind the main desk looked far too young to be one of the office assistants, leading you to believe she must be a student that worked in the office for one of her classes. She had gorgeous blonde hair, pulled up in a messy bun with some hair in the front freely flowing down. From where you stood, and how she had it pulled up, you couldn't tell how long it was, but you bet it felt as soft as it looked. She also had the cutest wire glasses perched on the very tip of her nose.

"Can I help you?" came from the mouth of the beautiful creature.

You shook off your thoughts and moved to step to the desk. "Yes, I'm (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), I'm supposed to start today."

"Oh, right, Mrs. Lange told me we should expect you, let me to get her." You tried to stop yourself from watching the girl as she stood up, moved over to the door and gently knocked. The body definitely matched the face, you thought with a smile.

You had known for some time that you were a lesbian, but this was the first time you really took notice of another woman that wasn't on your television screen. At all of the other schools you'd been to, all of the pretty girls were so shallow it took away from their attractiveness. At least to you it did.

So lost in your musing you didn't notice an older blonde approach you. "(Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)?" came the quiet question, pulling her back to reality.

"Yes, (Y/N) , that's me," you answered lamely.

"Great, we've been expecting you. I'm Mrs. Lange, the Vice-Principal. We just got your transcripts yesterday. Seems you've got quite the school resume."

"Military brat," you summed up quickly.

"Well all we need is for you to sign a few papers then you'll be good to go. We've got your schedule ready. Luckily you've only missed a couple of days so it should be easy to dive right in."

You took the pen that was being offered to you by the gorgeous girl and quickly slapped your name next to the X's. "This will be the first time I've actually gotten to start a new school at the beginning of the year."

"Well I hope you like it here. We're a fairly small school, compared to the others in the district, we have just over 800 students compared to the 1,200 or more."

This was the same spiel you got at every school, why this one would be better than the last. Your parents taught you to never be rude, and respect your elders, so you always felt you had to contribute to the conversation. "I've been to schools of around 300 for four grades, and schools that had over 2,000."

"Wow," came a whisper from the blonde girl, who quickly made it look like she wasn't listening and went back to doing whatever she was doing.

You knew Mrs. Lange wanted to ask more questions, they always did. But you weren't in the mood to answer anymore. "Think I've got all these signed now," you told the VP, handing the papers over to her.

"Great. Would you get her schedule for her?" Mrs. Lange asked the assistant.

You couldn't help but wonder about the girl's story. She looked nice enough, but there was something different about her. You couldn't quite put her finger on it. And you weren't about to assume anything.

Before you knew it, your schedule was in your hands and you were leaving the office. You'd been offered a guide to show you around but declined. While every school was different, they were all alike in a way as well. It shouldn't be too hard to find your way around.

Looking down at the piece of paper in your hand, you realized you had calculus first period in room 205. "Great, just want I wanted, math first thing in the morning," you mumbled to yourself. The hallways were clear so classes must have already started while you were in the office. So much for hoping you could quietly start your day.

Thank goodness this school didn't have more than one building. The last high school you were in had five buildings in all. It took you almost a week before you could remember where all your classes were.

All the classes down here started with a one, so that was probably indicating which floor you needed to be on, which meant you needed to find a staircase. As you wandered the halls, you took a minute to glance at the other paper in her hand. It looked like your locker was also on the second floor. You'd have to look for that after her first class.

Stairs found, you took them two at a time, wanting to just find your first class already. Of course the first classroom you found was 230, which meant you were probably on the wrong side of the building. By the time you found the right room, the teacher was well into his lecture for the day. There was no way to just sneak in unnoticed.

"Ah, you must be Miss (Y/L/N) ," you heard as you entered the room. "I'm Mr. O'Hare. There's a book for you at the back of the room, get it and take a seat, we're starting on page ten."

"And this is how it begins," you thought to yourself, opening the book. At least this was only a refresher of what you learned in pre-calculous.

— — —
This is definitely not something I've done before but lemme know if I should continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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