First Chapter

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"You look so beautiful today" my mother would say. She says it every once in a while, just so I don't forget.

I don't think I'm ugly, but I'm most certainly not prettiest. They're is prettier out there, and not just they're face and figure, but they're personality. My personality in not the greatest, well, to me it isn't anyway.

I always try to be someone I'm not. I try to like things others like, because I feel like, they're amazing, and cool. When someone starts to talk about one subject, I feel left out. Once I get home, I look up that subject and learn about. The next day, I'm feeling happy and ready to face everything.

I don't feel like I know who I am. Because of the way I pick what I do, I haven't looked and searched for things that might be my interest. What is my interest? See, I don't even know what I like. Wow.

"Bye mom." I usually say. While my mom carries a baby. The baby isn't ours, my mom babysits.

She doesn't necissarily have a "job" with a paycheck. I'm proud of her. She's not a Citizen of the United States, she was born in El Salvador. When she was barely 19, she decided to come to the United States.

My dad is from there too, he met my mom there. he was 20 and came here (1 year before my mom.) . Once he was here, a hurricane occurred in some parts of Central America. To support devastated and poor families, the government of the U.S. gave a work permit to those who were in the U.S. illegally from those areas. My dad, was one of those who benefited. He got a permit, applied for a job, got the post, and started saving up to bring my mom to the U.S.

"Bye sweetheart, be good. I love you." She said as always. I always obeyed, sometimes. My parents hardly know my school life. I mean, they know some of my friends, but not necessary know what they're like.

My mom knows one of my friends, Stephanie. She only knows her because she's my best friend. We've been through a lot together, and I usualky ask my mom for help when we have problems.

Stephanie was going through a really critical state of depression. I didn't know what to do or how to help her. Trust me, I like helping people, but sometimes I don't know how. I try my best but it's hard sometimes. I feel like such a horrible friend sometimes, I just want to cry.

"HEY, dirty Jew!" Said Juan. I ignore him. I didn't care for him at all. He annoys me so much, don't think I'm cry baby or anything, I just get so mad I almost drop a tear. I'm not Jewish. Even if I was, I don't think its funny. He thinks he's all cool, whatever. We all have our beliefs.

Don't get me started on Juan's beliefs. He's a dirty minded freak. I used to talk to him all the time, but he just gets annoying, and I feel like the only reason I hung out with him was because he was best friends with one of my ex crushes.

I get to my locker. Put my stuff away, ignore Juan, and head to my 7th grade Math Teacher's room. Yes, I know, I'm not in 7th grade anymore, but I just love her room. It's peacful, and perfect for doing homework your too lazy to do the day before.

I may seem smart and all, and I am, but I just get so stressed out. I just start to do one math problem and I feel all this pressure on me. Let's not talk about History, the world, and all that. I'm failing that. I mean, if grades were all about memorizing the things and just doing a test, I'd ace everything. But homework? Really? I can't keep up.





"HEY, why are you guys so loud?!?" I say mad, because I don't get my homework. The girls arguing? Oh they're just Tina and Denny.

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