Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:
We Should Be Like Birds

"And then the Glorbanog came and possessed m-"

"Okay, Syd." Stanley tossed his lunch onto the table, greeting Primrose as he did so. "Whitaker's got nothing on us, so don't sweat it, all right? Which is why I'm telling you, you should just go to this dance.. right? We could all do something after, me and Prim are gonna get dinner first, but we'll probably be hungry after, right?"

"Right!" Primrose confirmed with a nod, "You can hang with us after the dance!"

"Like a movie!" Stanley suggested.

"I love the movies so much.. so many memories.." Primrose sighed dreamily, leaning her head on Stanley's shoulder and pulling out her coin to mindlessly toss it into the air. "Oh! Or we can go to the ice skating rink.. Tails.. It's tails."

"I mean, I'm down for anything." Stanley sent the girl a subtle wink, causing her face to redden as she giggled nervously. "Or we could just have fun, do the funky chicken, drink some punch.. Just have fun with it! Give it a big proper go!"

Sydney turned her head, making eye contact with Bradley Lewis as he passed by.  "Oh, sorry, what?"

"Um.." Stanley stammered, "Homecoming, this weekend? Prim and I wan-"

"Oh, I don't know, guys.. I've got a lot of shit on my mind." Sydney said awkwardly.

"Yeah, okay, so.. you won't go.. But, I mean, me and Prim are gonna go to homecoming, but we could totally do something after." Stanley repeated.

"Like?" Sydney raised her eyebrows, waiting for Stanley's suggestions.

"Like.." Stanley trailed off, pursing his lips. "We could test your powers again?"

Sydney blinked, "Oh, no, let's definitely do that! Cause that went so great."

"It could have gone better.. but no one's dead!" Primrose pointed out.

"Lucky them." Sydney deadpanned.

"Well, I-I'm just thinking.. It might help you feel a little.."

"Feel what?" Sydney pressed.

"A little more.. in control." Stanley explained, taking a fry from Primrose's tray, "Like if you maybe wanted to feel like you could defend yourself if some creepy guy really is following you."

"Oh, just when I thought I couldn't be any more paranoid." Sydney clapped sarcastically, "Stanley Barber, ladies and gentlemen!"

Primrose frowned, lifting her head from Stanley's shoulder. "You're being mean.."

Stanley scoffed, slowly shaking his head. "What is with you today? I mean, I'm.. we're both used to you being a dick, but this is like a whole new level."

"What is with me is I have bigger shit to worry about than hurting either of your fucking feelings!" Sydney snapped, clasping her hand over the milk carton as it began shaking.

Stanley pursued his lips, "Right. Then we'll just have fun at the dance without you?"

"Stan, I do not care!"

𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘱 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 ~ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐫 Where stories live. Discover now