34 - Athena + Elia

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"The Mare Praesidio have made their way through Chondatha and Holstone?!" I gasped and Xanthe nodded solemnly.

"And my Revenant has been rather oppressive, as well." Xanthe nodded, gesturing to the third set of chains trapping her onto the chaise.

"Yes... So I've heard." I muttered, shaking my head, "What should we do--? What can we do?"

"...Prepare for the worst... I don't know if I can be of much assistance should the time come that we need a Mistress of Whispers to fend off the Mare Praesidio." She sighed and I nodded.

"I understand... Will you be safe in here?" I asked and Xanthe scoffed.

"If the Mare Praesidio can break protection spells, then no, but otherwise, no harm should come to me." She told me and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Okay... Good to know. But I do have one more question..." I started and Xanthe cocked a brow at me, "What have you found on The Book of Monsters?"

"Nothing... That's the problem. I remember seeing all of these chapters but now they're all gone. Even if I flip through the pages, I'll notice that a chapter will be skipped every so often and... I still can't find the chapter with Azamas or... Your mother, for that fact." She told me and I scratched my head.

"Azure is in The Book of Beasts?" I asked and she nodded.

"Towards the end, albeit, are all of the more... Common Gods and Patron Gods." Xanthe confessed and I shook my head.

And a weird thought hit me...

"What if the reason why they're not in the book is that they're walking among us?" I asked and Xanthe cocked a brow.

"Are you suggesting that The Book of Beasts is an ethereal plane?" She questioned and I shrugged.

"Maybe it's like a door... Or a window, maybe. We can see The Gods but they can't see us and maybe they can exit through it." I offered and Xanthe tapped her chin.

"It's a possibility..." She muttered, "A very likely one... It explains a lot, but why would they be in The World?"

"For me," I suggested and Xanthe's head cocked to the side.

"Hmm... I should consider this with my contacts. Leave me." She demanded, getting to her feet and dragging herself and her chains to her vanity.

"Good afternoon, Xanthe." I nodded at her and took my leave.

I need a break anyway.

. . .

I lit a couple of candles in my quarters and flopped onto the bed.

I have had a busy day.

I first had to talk with Dallin regarding him and the other courtesans. Next, I had to speak to Serana about rallying the troops on the borders because I know Athena won't do it.

I spoke with Xanthe, as you know. But then I got stuck in a rather undesired conversation between Vinca, Cyrus and Zaria, for some reason. Then, it drew the attention of Lord Ramses and Mistress Waylinn and they discussed some trivial politics with me for what had to be three hours.

And now here I am, finally able to let loose... Until I heard a tapping.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, glancing around the room and I heard it again... From the balcony?

I got to my feet and a pebble hit the glass before me, making no more than a shrill 'ding'.

I opened the balcony doors and spotted Athena on the other side of the railing, clinging tightly to it.

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