Chapter 3

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I woke up the next day feeling refreshed as I sat up and stretched, being careful with my arms, but still. Jessica was still asleep so I slipped out of the bed quietly and quickly and walked over to her bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower, turning it to a hot, but not scalding, temperature. Quickly stripping down to nothing I clambered into the shower, sighing as it hit my pale-ish skin turning it slightly pink.

I just stood underneath the water for what seemed like ages, relaxing under the water and just thinking. When did my life get like this? Why me? I quickly pulled myself out of those thoughts, I wasn't going to let him ruin my day, especially since I woke up so alive and happy. Scrubbing my hair I heard a light tap on the door.

"Yeah Jes?" I called, hoping that she had heard me over the water tapping on the shower tub and walls. As I waited for an answer I shaved my legs, laying down in the tub and getting ready to soap them up afterwards.

"You alright in there? I thought you might of drowned." She stated, sounding truly panicked but relieved.

"I'm perfectly fine babe, just relaxing. We should go shopping today." I said a bit chipper, my voice rising at the end. I had surprised myself with this statement and I knew for a fact that I surprised Jes with it, I wasn't one for shopping, or malls, or socializing, or leaving the house, or people. But for some reason I wanted to go out and basically go against everything I hated.

"Uh...umm yeah, yeah sure. Yeah that'd be awesome!" Jessica quickly recovered and went back to her usual self. See even though Jes wasn't popular and pretty much hated people and socializing as much as I did, she loved the mall and shopping. Proven by her closet and shoes rack.

"Cool." I said back with a huge smile as I rinsed off and started on my conditioner, shaving my arms and washing the rest of my body and using anti-acne stuff on my face and shoulders. I didn't know what was up with me today, but I liked it. Shutting off the water, I got out of the shower and pulled on a towel, walking into technically our room with the smile still on my face.

Jes wasn't in there, probably in the kitchen. Oooooh I hope she's making pancakes. Anyways, I walked over to her closet and picked out a Pierce The Veil tank top that she had, matching it with some black jeggings. I pulled on the same toms from yesterday and walked back into the bathroom. I pulled out her makeup and covered the glass cuts on my left arm and everything on my face.

The cuts were starting to heal and my bruises were all a brown yellow color. Putting on some foundation and covering it with powder I applied a light blush and a smoky black on my eyelids, lining under my eye with black eyeliner and putting on mascara. I smiled at my work as I put all of the makeup materials away and placed her box back under the sink.

Merrily I totally did not skip(sarcasm) over to the steps and run down them, turning towards the kitchen as I smelled the delicious smell of strawberry pancakes. I practically ran into the kitchen and grabbed the plate twirling around and peering over them with a crazy look on my face.

"My precious." I growled, sounding creepily like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. I pulled the plate towards me as I walked over to the table, never taking my eyes off of the laughing Jessica. "What?" I snapped in my Gollum voice. "You can't have them. They're ours. All ours." I growled at the practically pissed laughing Jessica.

I sat down at the table, picking up the silverware that was already there and dug in, looking up every once in a while at Jessica who was now making more pancakes from the ones I took as rightfully mine. "Mine Abernathyses." I said scratchy and low, changing Banginses to Abernathyses because of her last name. Jes had tears coming out of her eyes now from how much she was laughing. She had her hands clenched to the counter top as she laughed with no sound.

Last Cut (Niall Horan Fanfiction) {Discontinued}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora