Chapter 1

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A small sigh escapes my lips. I look around my cottage, my eyes landing briefly on the couch. Just a second ago, my best friends had sat there, as we talked about random shit. It had, however, taken a sour turn when Kazuichi decided to ask Chiaki if she liked me. And she responded with "No, but even if I did it wouldn't matter, 'cause we ALL know he likes the Reaper!" I shudder. No way I liked Komaeda. He was... weird... and {oddly attractive} really annoying.
Speaking of him, I should probably go annoy the hell outta him. That always makes me feel better!
I knock on the door impatiently, for the fifth time. 'Where are you, you death obsessed freak!?' Finally, the door opens to reveal...
He looked exhausted, with clear bags under his eyes. His glasses were who-knows-where, and I wonder how he can even see. His hair was wet... he probably just showered.
"You missed breakfast this morning, so I was seeing if anyone killed you," I explain half-heartedly. "Y-You were worried about trash like me? Hahaha, I must be very lucky..." "You're the SHLS Luckster! OF COURSE YOUR LUCKY!!"
Yelling doesn't work against a god of death.
I learned that the first day I met him. But I don't learn very well, so who gives a shit?
He looks down, obviously embarrassed that I reminded him of his talent. "I-I'm sorry if that came off as conceited... but I understand if you hate me. Who wouldn't hate trash like me? Hell, I'm even excited by the thought of dyi-"
I cut him off with a glare.
"Listen Komaeda. I can't have you hating yourself because that's my job. So think highly of yourself before I kill you. I could probably get away it." He smirks. "Being killed by you would be a great privilege, Hinata-kun."
I shiver. Death. It's such a horrifying thought, and here we are, forced to watch our classmates murder each other. Suddenly, a thought occurs to me...
"Oi Komaeda, what will you go back to if you survive this?"
He looks me dead in the eyes, any trace of light or happiness drained from his entire being. Despair and Death. He radiates it.
"That's none of your business," he says cooly, before shutting the door in my face.

Ahh!! Thank you so much for trying my story!! I know it's probably really bad, but I enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading it^^! Also, if anyone wants to put a ship for any Sdr2 characters (minus Hanamura, Imposter, Komaeda, and Hinata) that would be extremely helpful! But of course, you don't have too!! Anyhow, this has a 75% chance of ending happily, so... yeah. I'm not sure where I wanna go with it yet, but I have ideas. Also, I kin them both-

Welp, thanks for reading! Have a good day/night/ whenever you're reading this!!

Word count; 496

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