The Picture of a Friend - Boruto

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"Secrets, silent, stony sit in the dark palaces of both our hearts: secrets weary of their tyranny: tyrants willing to be dethroned."
-James Joy

"What's wrong? You seem distracted today." Mitsuki was standing over me, one hand on his hip and the other held out to me.

I shifted on the ground then took his offered hand. On my feet, I dusted the grass and dirt off of my pants and stretched the stiffness out of my back and shoulders.

I let out a heavy breath before I spoke, "I'm fine. Long night." I replied, knowing full well that he knew what I was referring to.

He began to walk and I fell into step with him. We made our way across the training grounds side by side, my hands hidden in my pockets and his in his sleeves.

"I heard." he said with an amused smirk, "I think all of us did."

I laughed sheepishly and rubbed at the back of my head, "Sorry if we woke you. I guess we got a little carried away."

Mitsuki shrugged, "It wouldn't be the first time, and I'm guessing it won't be the last." He was quiet for a moment, then added, "You shouldn't drink so much, though. It's bad for your health."

I scoffed, "You sound like my dad," I plucked a leaf from a low hanging branch as I passed a tree and rolled it in between my fingers, then flicked it away, "I'll be fine."

Mitsuki gave me a sideways look, but didn't say anything in response. Though, we both knew that he didn't need to say anything for me to get the message that was hanging in the air between us.

The sun was peeking out just over the tree line with warm light bathing everything that it touched in sparkling gold. Training was over for the day and almost everyone had already disappeared with the beginning of the setting sun.

I had hung back to take inventory of my kunai pouch and flak jacket underneath the shade of a tree, all the while racking my brain for the missing memories from the night before when Mitsuki walked up.

Even as we walked together, it was still weighing heavy on my mind and I still wasn't quite sure that it all hadn't been just a dream.

Waking up in someone else's bed hadn't been overly alarming, until I realized that someone was Sarada. Then came the perplexing realization that she was sleeping on the floor beside the bed and not in it with me. Seeing her had startled me enough to get me scrambling off of the mattress, which of course woke her instantly. We stared at each other for a moment before she turned a slight shade of pink and began to laugh. I then realized that I was standing in the middle of her bedroom in nothing but my underwear. I was stunned into silence for a second, my mouth hung slightly open wordlessly, but then I began to laugh too because, for the life of me, I could not recall anything that happened up until this point or how on earth I ended up here.

Maybe I should have asked more questions, but in the moment I was too stunned and too full of raw nerves to ask outright. I'd fantasized about ending up in her bed tons of times, but certainly not alone with her sleeping on the floor. That was definitely a bad look on my part. Not to mention the awkward realization that my clothes had come off at some point in the night. Not that it really bothered me, but seeing her avert her gaze and the distinct color in her face, made my stomach do flips and made me feel extremely self conscious.

I was a ball of nervous energy that whole morning and I knew that she was able to read it all over my face, despite my attempt at dawning an air of nonchalance with my weak jokes and overly chipper attitude even though I was battling a hellish hangover. She went with it though, joking back in that 'I'm seriously unimpressed with you' way that she did, even though she was smiling and would even occasionally laugh along, but whether or not it was out of sympathy, I couldn't tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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