Chapter 1: Greetings

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(Note: All characters and quotes are credited to VivziePop and the voice actors!)

Today was the longest day in Hell for Charlie. Her way of telling the public about her project to help demons go to Heaven seemed like a joke to everyone in the Pentagram, except for one demon. After being humiliated on live television, Charlie felt like everything wasn't going to plan and her goal was nothing more but a waste of everyone's time just like her father said. On her way to the Hotel in a limousine and dealing with Vaggie chewing out Angel for his involvement in an ongoing turf war, she stepped outside for a while to call her mother to tell how her "interview" went. Shedding a bit of tears, she said her farewells and hung up as she believed her mother was really busy. Charlie fixed herself and gained her composure before heading inside and leaning against the door. "What am I going to do?.." Charlie thought to herself as she started to lose all hope in this project her and Vaggie started. A short while after, a knock was heard behind her which startled Charlie a bit. Confused on who would knock at such perfect timing, she opened the door to reveal a tall, luxurious looking demon in a red suit holding a microphone. Her eyes widened in fear as the demon opened his mouth to say hello but was cut off by Charlie closing and opening the door to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. "Hey Vaggie?" Charlie nervously called. "What...." Vaggie replied in an irritated tone due to her having a big headache from Angel's actions and her rage. "The radio demon is at the door." Charlie said as she pointed to the door. Vaggie quickly sat up while Angel sucked on a melting popsicle he found in a fridge."Well don't let him in!" Charlie, the princess of Hell and a kind soul...I think...opened the door seeing that the radio demon was still there and hasn't moved a single muscle. "May I speak now?" The radio demon asked. "You may-" Charlie said before being cut off by the demon's energetic introduction while bursting through the doorway. "Name's Alastor! Pleasure to meet you and I'm here to say that what I've seen on the television was a Fiasco! Why I haven't been that entertained since the Stock Market Crash of 1929! Hahaha, so many offers." Alastor chuckled jokingly before being stopped in his tracks by Vaggie who held the tip of a spear to his face. "STOP RIGHT THERE! Cabron hijo de perra. I know your game and I'm not going to let you hurt anyone here you shitty, pompous talk-show shitlord!" Alastor, the most powerful demon in the Pentagram, didn't take her insults seriously. He put his finger on the tip of the spear and moved it down. "Dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I WoUld'vE DoNe sO" He said devilishly as his eyes turned into radio knobs and cryptic symbols appeared around him. After returning back to his energetic self, he explained why he was there and how would help Charlie in her quest to rehabilitate demons. Alastor, the smartass that he is, mentioned how entertaining her goal was and jokingly took redemption towards all sinners as a joke. Angel, unaware of Alastor's presence and background, asked Vaggie who he was since he never saw him throughout his time in Hell. Vaggie explained which bored Angel to death (no pun intended). "Him? Heh, he looks like a strawberry pimp." He complimented towards Alastor. Being a porn star, he was easily attracted but something inside made him spiral out of control towards the radio demon. Angel thought it was just another phase of attraction since he fucks anyone he pleases. However, after seeing the Hotel being cleaned up by Nifty, a tiny demon who is a major cleaning freak and introducing himself to Husk, an alcoholic and gambler in BlackJack, he couldn't stop thinking of Alastor. What was the purpose of this attraction and why was it only towards Alastor when he thinks Husk is cute? Whatever it was, it was bothering the porn star but he managed to hide it well behind his sexual, smart-ass remarks. To his surprise, the radio demon began to sing which Angel really adored cause of his voice. However, it didn't last long when a huge explosion was seen behind Alastor and a ship was seen outside with Sir Pentious inside eager to kill them all for territorial control. Alastor, being the most powerful demon, used his demonic powers to defeat Pentious. That didn't just amuse Alastor, it amused Angel Dust as well. "Ooh, what else can you do?~" Angel thought sexually and flirtatiously.

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