Intro to my hell

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This about a 16 year old girl that  is a drug addict loses her mom to cancer then eventually she moveds to California with her dad  hoping to start a new life but Little does she know she is about to meet her best friend her lover he everything a soulmate  that is not drugs

Your dad drops u off at your new school for the first day of freshman year. Your nervous as hell as you walk into a whole new territory. U look around everything looks all brand new as your looking around the floor stars to spin the lockers start to fade and the people just dissolve in the air and soon u to dissolve and everything just disappears. Those 5 minutes of nothingness and then  u hear a voice a familiar but not to familiar voice and life comes back. You wake up to this sexy tall brown skin
Shaqir* Hey u ok.?
You* Um.. uhh yeah yeah I'm fine
Shaqir* ... I'm Shaqir but u can call me qir
You* ....I'm cece just cece
Shaqir* Cool see u around cece.
Omg that was embarrassing 🤦🏾‍♀️ hope I never see him again
You walk down a hall way looking for room 22 Mrs. Sara's science class . After a couple minutes of searching you find her classroom and then you find your seat but as you look up you'll never guess who sat rt next to you.
Shaqir* Heyy..cece
You* Hey..ummm
Shaqir* Qir 😂
Shaqir* Lemme see ya schedule girl
You* Rd lol
Shaqir* So we got 5 classes together
Shaqir* Guess I'm spending most of my day with u shawty  he wraps his hands around your body and it happens again the floors spin chair disappear and the people all dissolve but this time The only thing you can see is him he leans closer, so close that you can feel his breathe on your face then boom💥 your back to reality
I really need to stop smoking this shit is getting to my head.( you mumble under your breath)

Finally lunch time approaches and you see a familiar face of a girl. Not any girl but a girl you once loved and was your best friend until she moved. That girl was special to you but she also got you fucked up on drugs.  her name is rose sanchez . That back stabbing bitch you *mumble under your breath *  you approach her
You* Heyy gurlll
Rose* Omggg cece?
You* Yes girl Heyy it's been years
Rose* Omg gurl come her I missed you
You* I missed you to
Rose* So hows the new school treating ya?
You* Umm.. ok I guess
Rose* Mmm what happened
You* So yeah there's this this guy I met sha-sha
Rose* Shaqir
You* Yes he's every where girlll it's like his following  me
Rose* How many classes you got with him
You* 5 *sighs
Rose* Sound to me like someone catching feelingssss?
You* I don't know I can't tell if I like him or I'm high
Rose* I really hate to bust ya bubble but I heard his a heart breaker
You*It feel different
Rose*He has a way with words to make you think he loved you this whole time but your just under this delusion and can't tell what's real and what's not. I love u sis just be carful with him
You* K you of all people should know I can handle my self
You walk away with a smile on ya face laughing thinking  that rose don't want you to go with that sha-sha kir boy because she want him then all of the sudden you feel another body compressed on your and you turn around to see and you'll never guess who it was.

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