6 - hosuh

522 21 13

"So Hosuh, you seemed oddly friendly. You like him more than you thought you would?"

"He's nice. Quiet. Probably plotting a murder. Or nervous?" I say. Stephen is... rather hard to read.

But I like it.

I lay in bed for an hour or so. I'm not tired, but I know I should probably sleep.

Suddenly, Dan texts me. I'm not really sure why.

Dan: Yo! I put you all in a groupchat. Welcome.
Me: oh.. who?
Dan: You, Jay, Me, Stephen, and...
Ann: hi.
Me: oh.. you two okay again?
Ann: depends.

Suddenly my door creaks open. At first I jump, but then I realize it's just Jay.

"Hi." he says, very monotone. He's probably tired, we probably woke him up.

He comes in and flops down on my bed.

Dan: Soo.. Ann and I got invited to a party...

"You think he wants us to come?" Jay says. He kisses me on the cheek.

"Probably. And maybe Stephen too..?"

Jay shrugs. "Eh, I don't really care if he comes. As long as you'll come."

Ann: he wants to know if you'll all come with

"And you were right." I say, playfully punching Jay in the arm.

Stephen: I'll be there. Just make sure I don't have any alcohol. Ha.

"Eh. Alright. I'm going to sleep. In your bed." Jay says.

"Oh? Okay."

A/N - hey I know this is short and I'm sorry but I swear I actually have a plot this time lmao

if only it was up to you - stosuh soulmate!au (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now