-chapter eighteen-

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april 23rd.

"call me when you get home, okay?" archie's dad hugged him more.

"us too! don't lose contact! you are too cool to stop being friends with us." cheryl, toni, and josie smiled at him.

he had gotten the attention from quite a few people at his new school, but it was quickly pushed away as the school was ginormous and had a new kid every other day.

"alright, alright. i will you guys." he smiled gratefully at them. "i'm going to miss you guys."

cheryl half giggle- half sobbed as a tear slid down her cheek. "aw sweetie, we're going to miss you too." she responded.

"okay... i have to go guys or i going to be driving in the dark." all of them sighed.

"alright, son. have a safe trip." fred patted his boy's back. "hopefully this getaway helped in any way."

archie only nodded and smiled. he hugged all of them again one last time and stepped into his truck.

it had been fred's ancient car that, even though it seemed against all odds, was still up and running. fred gifted to archie for his early 18th birthday.

archie drove the peaceful two hour drive safely and made it home just before sundown.

he made it to his front driveway where no cars waited for him. his mom wasn't home despite archie telling her he was coming back. he had speculated she was mad at him for going to be with his dad who had cheated on her.

he sighed. he reached for his duffel bag in the back seat and made inside.

the door creaked as he pulled the handle open. he took heavy steps in his old home.

"hello? anyone home?" no response. once again he sighed. it was better to not see anybody just yet. he had to prepare himself beforehand.

a sharp sound brought archie out of his thoughts.

he walked to the kitchen where the sound originated. there was irvin picking up the glass that he had broken accidentally.

archie looked at irvin in shock. the boy had grown so much in the couple months archie was gone. he had a small mustache and his hair was at length irvin had never had before. archie moves his gaze lower to where irvin was crouching, holding onto his wrist.

"shit! are you okay?" archie rushes to the boy grabbing the rag that was near him on the counter.

"yeah, yeah, i'm fine. you just scared me. i didn't know you were coming back." irvin replied. he took the rag from archies hand and placed it over his cut.

"yeah. i was coming back. i just needed a breather. i called mom and told her. i thought she would tell you." archie furrowed his eyebrows. "where is she?"

irvin shrugged. "i don't know. she hasn't been home in days."

"days?" archie questioned. "days? she does this often?"

"yeah, i guess. since you left, really." archies heart felt heavy.

"everyone thought you were dead." both boys stood from their crouching positions. "hell, even i thought you died." irvin heaved softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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