Chapter 15

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Back in the city, the Jellyman quickly ushered them off the street and into his study. Carlos could tell by the look on his face that he already knew what had happened. Word traveled fast in this city. 

“I’m sorry to hear about Hungar,” he said to Ayzili. She nodded wearily and collapsed into a wicker chair. 

“The priesthood knew about the tunnel,” she said through clenched teeth. “I know they did. They let the baka in.”

“Maybe,” Carlos said, “but then why did they save us? Conspiracy’s tough to prove. Here’s what we do know; whoever picked up the baka at the waterfall also visited the archive. I matched a shoe print at both places. We should ask who visited the archive recently. It could’ve been Zui acting alone...but I doubt it.”

He knew it went well beyond Zui and the lamplighter. These were foot soldiers, not masterminds. They had just scratched the surface of something deeper. And now came the hard part - finding the leaders. Carlos had once testified at a corruption case internal affairs had dug up in Miami. Drugs went missing from the evidence locker. A few officers ended up taking the fall for those running the show. The masterminds were never disciplined. Unraveling this conspiracy could prove equally difficult.  

“Let’s see where the evidence leads us,” he said. “I’d like to speak with Sasha’s father. Find out who knew she was alone.” He sighed and examined the bruise on his foot. It felt better after he’d loosened the sandal. Henry, however, was in much worse shape. Blood stained the bandages the priests had applied to his leg, but at least the bleeding had stopped. He hobbled about on a staff that Jell had given him. 

“Her father’s here tonight,” Jell said. “Come, they’re waiting for us in the peristyle. We’ve much to discuss.” Henry groaned. Right now all he wanted to do was sleep. 

The group crossed the courtyard into the pavilion where they had confronted the assassin the previous night. Candles illuminated the space and cast flickering shadows on those gathered there. It was a large crowd, every bench filled, but the chatter silenced immediately once they’d entered.

Jell addressed the crowd, quickly bringing everyone up to date on the discovery in the gardens and its implications. “The balance of power is shifting. In light of these baka attacks, Sarn has moved quickly to abolish the council and remove Riyal from power. He wants the high priesthood to take full authority.” Murmurs of disapproval rumbled through those gathered.

“And the city guard?” asked Carlos. “Will they allow this?”

“Most of them support the high priesthood. They share a strict view of the law. Only Hungar’s leadership distanced them and now that he’s gone, they’re sure to form an alliance. Together they’re a formidable power.”

Carlos thought of his wristwatch. The ties between the high priesthood and city guards went deeper than he’d suspected. Much was happening behind the scenes. And these attacks were the perfect excuse for Sarn’s cabal to take power. That alone was motive enough for him to side with the baka, orchestrate the killings, and bribe the city guard to look the other way. 

But has Sarn really crossed that line? Or is he just a political opportunist? Carlos knew only factions of these groups might be responsible. He shouldn’t jump to conclusions, accusing everyone in fit of McCarthyism. 

Maybe Sarn was simply acting out of desperation, like an animal backed into a corner. After the discovery of the baka tunnel in the gardens, Sarn knew the high priesthood might loose popular support. So he’d made a desperate grab for power before he lost it all. Carlos shook his head. He needed solid proof before he could clear or convict anyone. 

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