Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

I woke up from the sound of my alarm and saw a white wall. I felt arms around my waist and someone's breath on my neck. I slowly turned around and smiled at the view of Jaemin sleeping. I gently shook him.

"Hey Jaemin-ah" I said and saw him open his eyes slowly. "We have school let's go you have to get ready." I got his hands off my waist and stood up and gave him his clothes. He smiled and thank me as I turned around for him to change. We checked out of the hospital and Lucas picked us up.

"Lucas oppa!" I said waving at him "Here!" he drove to us. Jaemin sat on the back and we drove off. When we arrived at school once again we were the center of attention.

Miley run to us and looked at me confused "Why are you wearing the same clothes as yesterday?" she asked and I smiled "I spend the night at the hospital with pretty boy" I said and Jaemin blushed slightly at the nickname. She nod and then a hand appeared around her shoulders.

"Oh hey Jisung" Jaemin and I said at the same time. Lucas went to find Mark in his classroom. The four of us parted ways going to class.

When I walked in class I saw Chenle sitting on my desk with a lot of girls around him but he didn't seem to pay attention. I walked to my sit and waved for them to leave, surprisingly they did.

"What's up?" i asked raising an eyebrow at him. "You stayed with Jaemin." he said "I know I wanted him to be okay. So what's the problem with that?" I asked calmly. "Aren't we you know... " I chuckled "Chenle... did you ask me? no. Did I ask you? no. So I have the right to be with Jaemin" I said and sat down.

"But... I like you" he said and the bell rang saving me from having to answer. In the whole lesson I couldn't focus I didn't know what to say to Chenle. I'd taken my time last night to think about my feelings and I'm sure I like Jaemin. So I had to turn him down. So I made a group chat.

*NCT DREAM -Chenle*

Ik y'all are in class but this is

Get detention for being on the phone if you have to

Tf y/n

what did you do??

chenle confessed to me

Oh that's why he's not in this gc

that lil shit he's fast

what u gonna do?

what are all these notifs for

read back


Just get ready fast or ran out


me too dkkdjsks


. . .

"Y/n why are you on your phone?" professor asked. "I'm sorry!" I said "it was important" she said an eyebrow and said "More important that my class?" I just looked at her.

"Detention after school" she said and I nod. I knew the boys were going to be there so I wasn't going to be alone.

Chenle was staring at me and I could feel his eyes burning holes in my head. I was tapping my foot impatiently on the floor ready to run out when the bell rang.

The sound of the bell echoed in the wholeways of the school and that was my signal. I stood up and walked to the door knowing Jaemin was waiting for me outside. As I walked out I felt a familiar hand wrapping around mine.

"Y/n," Chenle breathed and I froze while staring at Jaemin signaling him to help me. "y/n will you answer me?" I looked at him not knowing what to say and then I felt Jaemin's arm on my shoulder causing me to relax and Chenle to stare at my reaction in shock.

Everyone could easily see Nana's affect on me. Even I did. I finally looked at Chenle in the eyes "Chenle... I'm sorry I don't have an answer right now." I said as I felt Jaemin's other arm tracing circles in my back. He then pulled me from my shoulder as I waved to Chenle and we walked together to our English class.

. . .

The final bell rang and I slowly walked to detention with Miley next to me. "You should have added me in the group chat!" she said, "I wanted to be part of this too." Her whining stopped as we reached the classroom and she saw the teacher. She smiled and said she'll see me after school.

I walked my way next to Jaemin in detention class. I sat down loudly causing some people to turn to look at me annoyed. I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Mom's gonna be mad babe" said Lucas and I chuckled. "It's gonna be fine" I said knowing my mom. "No I mean she told me we can't be late today" he whispered. The others didn't know the situation we were in except Jaemin that interested he listened to us talk.

"Is he searching for us?" I asked him, "yeahh he is" Lucas said and then Renjun spoke. "Why are you talking like you have the same mom?"

This made the teacher look up and shush us but that didn't stop Lucas from saying: "Because we do, now let's plan how y/n can reject Lele nicely"

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