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Is it me? Am I finally back? Am I gonna abandon all my children again?

Yes, yes, and no, so hi!

In case y'all forgot who I am, I'm Destiny. I'm turning 17 in April and gosh, there's just way too much to tell to you all.

In advance, I wanna apologize. I've apologized in pretty much all my stories (which btw, give some love 💜) and since the last time I updated this I've improved my writing ability courtesy of roleplay (Supernatural and Apex Legends). I don't know how else to put it other than I'm so damn sorry for neglecting this story and you guys. And thank you all so much for sticking around despite my absence. I never thought this would blow up the way it did, but that makes me all the happier.

While we're all in quarantine, what better timing to continue this story than now? I have alot on my plate, art projects to work on, school work I've skipped, doodles I'm too tired to work on, drama at home that's all the same, so I need a new escape from my hellhole of a life. I love writing, and if I have an audience ready to snag a peek at my writing, I'm more than willing to perform. You all mean so much to me even if you don't know it. Those of you who are new to reading this, hello, and those of you who've been around for years, hello again! Two greetings for you lovely people. 🥰

I'd also like to apologize about my previous post. I was young and stupid and didn't know how to take const criticism. It was pathetic of me to threaten to delete the story because i shouldn't let the little things bug me. I realize my mistake now, and I'm sorry. I genuinely am.


If you're still willing to read this story, i warn you now that as Im continuing it, I'm not caught up at ALL with the manga series. I'm going by the anime, which is quite literally only two long seasons and one short season. If I don't get Ban precisely how the manga portrays him, please understand that it's only because i can't catch up with it. If it bothers you so much, I suggest you stop here. Otherwise stick around for the odd roller coaster we're about to take off in.

And again, thank you guys. If it weren't for the love and positivity I was still getting to this day, I'd never look back at this. It means so much to me that I can create content for you guys and enjoy making it as much as you guys enjoy reading it.

So I'm happy to say that I'm back (officially for this story)!

Until the next chapter, see you all soon! 💜

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