Green Man sprouts 2: The Eviction

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Green Man: Genesis Part 2

As feared, the bailiffs arrived on site in the small hours of the next morning and started grouping. As the sky in the East turned pink to herald a lovely day the situation became clear to Jack and Rhiannon. Others in the camp had started getting up early and their activity, along with the sound of engines as vehicles arrived in the middle distance, made it prudent to rise and face the day. As they got out of the tent the bongo started up once more, raising the energy level and zippers zipped on a further series of tents as the laggards emerged into the gathering dawn.

First things first, thought Jack as he got the gas stove lit and began making some coffee. There would probably not be enough time to finish brewing it but it would keep him occupied in the meantime.

'How are you guys doing?'

'Hi Maisie. We are alright. We had worked out its probably going to kick off today. I presume we will have a final gathering.' Maisie was one of the more connected people in the camp and had come over, possibly sensing the coffee that was imminent.

'Yes, quick briefing in the dining area. Most people need to guard the camp so each team is just sending one or two representatives. We start in five minutes.'

There was a row of minibuses pulled up along the road that went to the woodland and the occupants had clearly been the sizeable group of burly men milling about. Some were professional climbers drafted in for the gig because they were festooned with ropes and other climbing apparel. Behind them were the police. Ostensibly they were here to uphold the law and ensure things did not get too far out of hand, Jack was under no illusions that they would be on the other side of the divide and no doubt just as keen to get stuck in.

There was of course also the second wave, a group of tree specialists getting their chainsaws ready and otherwise preparing their kit so that they would be ready to move on as soon as the site was 'secure,' as no doubt they would be described in the brief, although as far as the trees and the rest of the ecosystem were concerned their situation would be the absolute opposite.

Under the tarpaulin that sheltered the camp dining area were some salvaged wooden tables and chairs sat on a mud saturated carpet which stopped their legs sinking into the ground. Despite the inauspicious surroundings the atmosphere was tense but businesslike as old hand Grub, the defect leader, hair in an intimidating bunch of dreadlocks, briefed the group.

'The situation is pretty much as we predicted. The security firm is familiar to some of our more seasoned members, yes take a bow Solarfreak and Sacedropper, and known for their heavy handed tactics. We expect a frontal assault, and our tactics are intended to blunt any momentum. It just remains for me to reiterate that we intend to resist peacefully and simply expect to slow them down. Every minute of their time we add to that required to evict us adds to the bill and reduces the public support for further projects of the nature. I am sure that you know to do so already, but for those who are about to immobilise themselves please make sure you take a leak before getting into position. Finally, It has been pleasure to share this lovely space with all you people and they cannot take away the fellowship we have created here.' Grub parodied a military salute. 'May Ghia be with you all!'

Jack and Rhiannon had picked nearby trees so they had each other's moral support whilst still denying two trees to the cutters. They had already equipped the places from which they would be facing the evictors with cables and padlocks so they only had to fasten themselves and they would not be going anywhere till the bailiffs arrived.

In the distance a megaphone could be heard - no doubt the man in charge of the bailiffs reading out the niceties of the court order. In response the bongo drums beat louder and somebody let off an air horn.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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