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Colby's Pov:

*Alarm going off* ughhhhhh. I got woken up by my alarm which I forgot to turn off for the weekend. I decided just lay in my bed,. staring at the wall with a million thoughts in my head, ready to overthithink them all. Although I had a lot of thoughts in my head, I was on focusing on one, the main one, My Love for Sam Golbach.

I think I have loved Sam the whole time we have known eachother, but only really figured out that I loved him when I was 14, you know, a reasonable age to know what Love is. I have never had a girlfriend in my life, that's because I am Gay. the only person that knows that is my other best friend, Jake Webber. He does not know that I love Sam, and I am not planning on telling him any time soon.

Just as I was sinking deep into my thoughts about Sam, I could feel tears running down my face. The reason why I cry about Sam is because I want him that bad, I just love him so much, but having that thought of how much you love someone, and will probably be the only person you will ever feel love for and you will never be able to express your love for them or even have a relationship with them is the worst pain of all.

Its short, I know, but I have a bigger chapter coming soon xox

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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