"Save"bells tour

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Oh god. Poor Taylor. Was she even old enough to emancipate herself? She was what? 16? 18? I don't know.

"Taylor? Are you ok?" Mallory said hesitantly. Taylor shook her head so I stood up and pulled her too me.

"What does that mean? Or consist of? What does it mean to emancipate yourself?" She asked. I could tell she doesn't want it to mean what she thinks it does.

"Taylor-" I started.

"SAM! Tell me!"

"It means that she is not by law related to you or your parents. She broke that bond. Which means you aren't sisters." She started to cry and I looked over her head at the rest of them. They all gave me pity looks. I really didn't need pity, I needed support.

"Why...why would she do that?"

"Maybe she felt that it was the right thing to do."


"Tay, I really hate to tell you this, but she was being abused. And you weren't there. I can see where she is coming from."

"How come I never knew that?" Hayes said to me when we were back in the hotel.

"What? That I emancipated myself?"

"Yeah. I thought you had to be older for that."

"Yeah. I am older."

"What?" I reached into my pocket and pulled out my fake ID.

"You illegally emancipated yourself?"

"It wasn't illegal! Not really! The guy never checked it for being false, he just looked at it! Besides, I pulled some strings."

"What does that mean?" He gave me a wary look. I decided to gross him out a little, so I talked in a baby voice.

"Well, when a girl wants something and a boy won't give it to her, she often has to offer up something good." It worked. I saw the looks change on his face when he realized what I was talking about.

"Ew! Seriously didn't need to know that!"

"Ha. I'm kidding. I told him that if I didn't get what I wanted, it wouldn't end well."

"What happened to him?"

"He's in jail." I said innocently.


"Come on he let a 16 year old teenage girl get past him with a fake ID. He kinda had it coming."

"So you put an innocent guy in jail so you can change your family status." I glared at him.

"Hey! It was important to me! And. I never said he was innocent."

"Ok ok fine." He told me.

"So, can I pick something to do today?" I bounced up and down on the bed.

"Really? You're gonna pick robbing banks or something like that." I put a frown on my face. He glanced at me and my pouring face before he gave in with a sigh.


"What are we doing? Please tell me it's nothing illegal."

"What's so illegal about a party?"

"What party?"

"I've heard about it all over the streets. Apparently some hot shot guy is having a major party."

"We are sneaking into a party we aren't even invited to, hosted by someone who doesn't even know us? Wow."

"Ugh! Come on Benjamin! Have a sense of adventure."

My Promise, My Love (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now