Fallen Angel: Part 6 END

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Clementine stared at the exit door; it towered over her. but knowing that AJ was out there... in the cold Made her take another step towards the metal barricade. She felt Violets grip on her hand tighten around hers. The brunette looked towards the blonde... Her sea green eyes looked nervous and excited at once. She gave a weak smile as she gave the spare key to the blondes spare hand.

"you should do it." clementine insisted, Violet looked at the key in her pale palm. She looked up at clementine.

"no... you helped me... without you I would have died here." Violet told her with a shy smile. Clementine nodded in understanding.

"are you sure? you deserve it more than me." Clementine asked, she surprised her self that she was being so patient. In the world above she tended to take things into her own hands and get it over with. Clementine squeezed her hand in reassurance, the pressure told violet that she can do it.

Violet looked towards the door than back at Clementine, she gave a confident smile to the brunette. "okay... I'll do it."

She put the key into the hole, again she felt Clementine squeeze her hand. She twisted and heard the lock click. Violet held her hand out to the door handle to open it but she hesitated. She looked at Clementine with a thoughtful face.

"together we open it." Violet smiled. Clementine watched as violet let go of her hand to put it on the door handle Clementine felt a slight disappointment before putting her hand on top of the blondes, together they twisted the door handle. 

They where hit with a slight chilly air and a beam of light coming up. They both looked up at the same time, right up that latter was the hatch to freedom. Clementine inter twined their fingers together once more, a bit of blush ran up both girls cheeks. Clementine nodded to violet as she let go, and started climbing up. Violet followed closely behind. No words where needed to know that they both wanted this. Freedom. Hope. Happiness. 

Clementine grunted as she pushed the hatch open, it flew open with the help of the winter air. The brunette covered her eyes with her forearm as she crawled out and laid down on her back. She laughed as all her anxiety drowned in the snow with her.

"vi! we did it!" Clementine laughed, as she heard Violet lay next to her. They laughed together. They both wished this moment would last forever. Violet sat up to look at her surroundings, the forest glowed with the sun rise. The chilly air made her shiver as it flew through her vest.

"holy shit." Violet giggled as she took in the smell of the pinewood. She looked over at Clementine who was laughing with her eyes closed, the light snow fell from the sky landing on her skin. She looked like an angel. Clementine felt a pair of eyes on her, she sat up to look at violet. The green eyed girl looked deep into Clementines eyes... The Hazel eyed girl looked deep into Violets eyes. 

"I didn't think you'd look so-" Violet mumbled under her breath before stopping herself, being down in that bunker made it almost impossible to see clementine. Now she could see her fully. And Violet blushed knowing that she had been holding a beautiful girls hand the whole time.

"I look so..? what?" Clementine giggled, taking in Violets appearance also. The darker girl liked how violets appearance was soft but strong at once. Clementine admired how the snow fell onto the girls pale skin, making her look like an angel. The sun rise was just behind her making her look like something that was a once in a life time experience. 

Violet blushed knowing that Clementine was looking her up and down, The bright orange from the sun behind her made Clementine look like she was glowing. It made the brunette look bold in a beautiful way.

"look so... beautiful." Violet admitted, Clementine leaned in. It was like a force was pulling her into Violets lips. Violet felt that same force as she closed her eyes and leaned forward. The brunette closed her eyes slowly as she leaned her head... Their lips connected softly. 

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