part three - seven minutes in heaven.

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"Yes please" Stanley replied blushing

"Friday at 6? Also...would you like to come to this party tonight Lola said we could all go?" Barney asks

Stanley nods and then the bell rings Barney walks away. Stanley watches him as he does this and then when he knows hes gone he let's out a squeal of excitement.

Freddie comes over to him still wearing a daisy chain crown from earlier and he takes it off. Looking at Stanley he places it on his head carefully and strokes him and walks away slowly. Stanley ,not knowing what the fuck just happened, getsup as quick as he can and races to catch his bus.

They all arrive at the party fashionably late. By 3 hours. Viva la vida is blasting through the speakers in the background. Lola screams with excitement.

"let's get fucked up bitches" Derek stares at harriet, she shrugs, Freddie continues playing minecraft on his phone and stanley looked around hopelessly trying to find barney in case he pops out somewhere.

"yes! I found diamonds!" shouted freddie a few girls wonder over suddenly infested in him until he explains that he was talking about his minecraft game, they walk away after that. Lola appears with 5 half pints of vodka...

"Lola this is vodka? are you crazy?" Stanley says

"I know and probably, drink it quick so it goes straight to ya head"

they all do as she says and they chug almost crying from the burning in their throats.

5 hours later.

they're all laid out across a sofa when lola spots a closet.

"let's play a minutes in heaven" Lola suggests everyone reluctantly agrees and she jumps into the closet but not before she had announced the game to the entire party hoping other people would join.

she stood alone with her eyes closed in the darkness. Suddenly she hears the door clicks shut. Silence. She opens her eyes stood there is Derek. He stares at her dead in the eye.

"what are you going to do to me...?" she asks

"uh...stand still?"

"or we could..." lola says as she leans in getting closer to his lips with every word but before she can kiss him he begins to cry.

"what the fuck? are you ok?"

"y-yes my cheeks just wanted a shower"

Derek storms out. Lola emerges seconds later, Barney has joined the game.

"what did you do to him?" Freddie asks.

"nothing...Barney you're up now" Lola says grabbing him. Barney goes into the closet and shuts the door.

"Freddie, pick who should go in" Lola asks flirtatiously.

"Stan" Freddie says with a smirk.

Stanley walked to the closet door, his heart beating outside of his chest, his forehead began to sweat as he became more nervous, he opened the door slowly and closed it behind him, he stared at Barney as he felt himself blush he put his hand on the side of his face but before he could do anything, Barney opened his eyes he took a step back, Stanley's eyes opened.

"what are you doing?" Barney asked
"uh do-nothing...sorry...I um I gotta go" Stanley ran out and ran all the way home and sat in his closet in the dark crying.

He left everyone confused as to what happened inside that closet.

Barney opened the door.

"you're face is bright red" Freddie laughed.

Barney looked embarrassed and ran away as well.

the next day.

Barney woke up to the phone ringing.

"hello?" Barney said

The phone went dead.

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