"And who are you?"

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It was your first day at your internship at the prosecutors' office. 

You sighed. These internships were a joke... All they had you do was run to get coffee and do boring paperwork any person could do. Maybe this internship would be different? You smiled at yourself. Of course, it would not. 

The elevator opened and a tall guy in a red suit stepped inside, not even laying eyes upon you. You smirked, looking at the ground. Damn at least they were not ugly here... When quickly glancing up to look at him, you noticed how fancy his outfit actually was. Even a little extra, in your opinion. It was a law office, not a fashion show... 

After riding the elevator up to the 10th floor, you got out and stepped into the long hallway. The watch on your wrist told you it was eight o clock. Time to get to work.

"Hey, intern!" 

Your boss called you without even bothering to remember your name. Suppressing a sigh you walked over to him to ask what he needed. 

"We have been working all night trying to crack this case... I could use some coffee, to be honest..." 

He waved his mug at you absentmindedly. When you were about to leave he spoke up again. 

"Oh and while you're at it, stop by to drop these papers off, will you?" He handed you a file with a tag on it. It read: Mr Edgeworth. Room 1202. Damn, the 12th floor... Imagine having an office there huh. With the mug and files in hand, you made your way back to the elevator. 

With a bright *ding!*, the elevator arrived two floors further up and you stepped out into the hallway. It was a lot fancier here than the 10th floor you usually worked on. 1202... 1202... You scanned the doors to finally find the number you were looking for. You gently knocked. 

"Yes?" A velvet voice could be heard from the other side of the door. 

Carefully opening the door, you stepped inside the office. It was very fancily decorated. One long wall of bookcases, on the other side a very comfortable looking sofa. You even noticed a chessboard along the wall with books. 

"Sir", you said, "I have some files for you sent by the head of the department on the 10th floor." 

The man looked up from whatever he was writing and while locking eyes, you realised this was the same man you rode the elevator with this morning. What a coincidence... 

"Shall I just leave them on your desk?", you asked when the man did not immediately answer you. "You are Mr Edgeworth, right?" 

He seemed almost baffled by your last question. A small smirk played with his lips.

"As a matter of fact, I am. I am surprised you would not know that..." 

You frowned. What the heck did he mean by that? How were you supposed to know everyone's name if you just started here? It would, however, probably better to stay polite now... You still had a long internship and you could use it on your resume... 

"I am terribly sorry", you said, giving him your sweetest smile, "I'm new here and I usually do not come here on this floor. I'm just dropping off these papers for my boss..." 

"Right..." the gentleman replied. "Are you interested in this field of work then?"

What? Of course, you were. Why would you otherwise go through all these tedious internships? You have wanted to become a defence attorney ever since you were little. It was a weird goal for kids that age, but you were sure! And in fact, you still were...

"Yes, sir!", you replied resolutely. "I want to become an attorney one day!" 

Mr Edgeworth let a little smile slip. It seemed more genuine than the first one. As if your statement caught him by surprise. Weird, because he asked you in the first place!

"Heh... Very well... Yes, you can put the files on my desk." 

When you finally reached his desk (God this office was huge!) he extended a hand. 

"Miles Edgeworth, the most valued prosecutor of this building. Nice to meet you." 

Finally, it clicked. Of course, Miles Edgeworth! You knew him from the papers! He was an amazing prosecutor. The best in the country! It was indeed a bit stupid that you didn't notice right away. He was considered a legend at your law school. However, you didn't expect him to be such an ass... What an ego the guy had... But he was right about networking... It was important to know people. 

You shook his hand and told him your name. 

"Oh, I do know who you are by the way..." you quickly added before letting go of his hand. "I was just... making sure." 

"Very well. Thank you for the files, Y/N. Now I must get back to work so if you would not mind..." 

He nodded towards the door. 

"...Alright, have a nice day, sir." 

Closing the door behind you, you could slap yourself. How could you make such a fool of yourself not even realising who he was! Well, I guess I did leave a memorable impression. Maybe that will matter someday. 

And funnily enough, it would. Little did you know what lied in store.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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