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You walked into your flat after coming home from work with a blank expression on your face, which made Alex, who got off work early to prepare cupcakes for you as a congratulations, immediately become concerned.

He was expecting you to rush in and freak out with him, it's what you always done whenever something big or important to you happened.

"Oh no," He placed down the kazoo he was holding in his hand next to the plate of cupcakes and stepped forward towards you. "You didn't get it? How?" He asked incredulously.

"What?" To be honest, you hadn't really noticed Alex there; there was too much on your mind. But then you saw the small banner he hung up on the wall, and the kazoos and cupcakes and realized what he was talking about. "Oh. No, I got it. The promotion, my story's being picked up next," You hung your head sighing and looked down at the ground, hearing Alex's footsteps and then seeing his bare feet appear in front of yours and you looked up to meet his confused green eyes.

"What happened Y/N?" He asked softly.

He knew something was wrong, of course it was. You had just been given your dream position at your dream job, and you weren't happy. That was a big red flag. And of course, he was right.

"Dad's doctor called me earlier," You squeezed your eyes shut, both of your hands coming up to your face and dragged them down. "He's in the hospital."

Alex gasped softly. "What- is he okay?"

"He has cancer, Lex," You sniffed, not wanting to start at crying again. "He's dying, Alex."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," Alex didn't hesitate to take the final step forward and wrap his arms around you, and that broke your barriers. You couldn't stop yourself from crying into his shoulder. "How bad is it?" He asked after a couple of minutes.

"In one of the last stages." You pulled back, wiping your eyes. "It's progressed too far without anyone knowing, there- there's nothing they can do but to try and slow it down for a little while."

"How- how can someone not know if it got that bad?" Alex asked, shaking his head. "Aren't there symptoms? Some kind of— something?"

"According to Dr. Nicol, Dad had collapsed on the street on his way home from work yesterday, and a stranger called 911. When he woke up just a couple hours ago, he said that Dad was misdiagnosing himself, symptoms that he thought was just a cold or flu, fever and fatigue, was really kidney cancer." You took a shaky breath in. "He's had this for so long, and he didn't know, Alex, I have to leave!"


"I can't stay here, I have to see him." You pushed your hair back again. "If this is going to be the last time I'll ever be able to see him, I have to go. I have to go back to New York." You stepped away from Alex and anxiously glanced around the flat.

"O-okay." Alex breathed. "Yeah. That makes sense," He caught your worried eyes. "And I'm coming with you."

"What? Alex, no," You shook your head. "You have a life here! A good job, friends—"

"You have a life here too, if you want me too argue. A great job. My other friends mean nothing compared to you." He scrunched up his eyebrows for a second. "Alright, don't tell them I said that,"

You let out a breathy laugh. "Scouts honor," You smiled weakly. "You really don't have to come with me, you know."

"I know," Alex smile and grabbed a cupcake, holding it out to you. "But who else is gonna know how to keep you from killing yourself from worry? Now, let's stress eat a little, call our jobs, and order the next plane tickets to New York."

That Night (Tom Holland x Reader) [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now