Chapter 5. New wounds

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* Sophie's POV *

Why did foxfire have so many stairs? They're obviously to make my life harder than it should be. I'd told Dex that I'd walk with him to his private Alchemy 7 session. Technically until this year alchemy 7 didn't get exactly exist , but Dex was so advanced they'd made a « mastery course » because of his « raw talent ». Sophie wasn't jealous though, Dex loved alchemy and he's really good at it too! He deserves to be recognized for something he loves doing!

Sophie was pretending to understand dex ramble on about the differences between changing liquids and solids into pure gold, when she slipped and tumbled backwards. thankfully she didn't hit her head, but she did bump into a fifth year girl, who threw her a glare and ran off . She was as popular as ever, her confidence a bit bruised but her right elbow and wrist was really aching . Dex had offered to walk her down to the healing center, Sophie refused she was not going to stop Dex from getting his alchemy time. Because she certainly was not going to be the one to help him catch up. She told him not to worry then brushed herself off and went to her own session. Promising to sit with him at lunch as she walked off.

She was halfway through her polygot lesson when the paint in her arm was to much. Just writing down the correct translations shot burst of soreness up her arm. Sophie finally caved when she could barely even hold her pen.
She was excused and made her way to the healing center. She was still unfamiliar with most of foxfire since the winding halls and multiple levels made it hard to navigate, sometimes she couldn't even find the way to the main entrance. Sophie did know the way to the healing center, by heart. She truly could not keep away .
She'd knocked on the door with her left hand, the pain when she tried to use her right was getting seriously annoying.
The doors opened and she saw Wylie greeting her with an amused grin.
« I had a feeling it was you, Shayda came by earlier to get checked out after your fall » he opened the door wide
« Come on in » he said with a smile

I took a seat on my designated cot, a picture of me in my third year opening ceremony costume hung just above it. Right next to mine was Keefe's. He'd been in here just as often as sophie so Elwin had honoured him the same way, with a not so flattering picture hung in our honour.
Three months ago Elwin Left for a long awaited vacation. Leaving Wylie, who had been his apprentice since graduating foxfire, in charge of the healing center.
With Elwin gone Keefe thought it was about time to take the picture down. He had stolen his only to find it replaced the next day as if nothing had happened. It was identical to the original in every way... except for it's size. It way twice the size it had been originally. Wylie was smiling for a week straight after that and Sophie was thankful he hadn't stolen hers as well.

She scanned the picture, Keefe's face was smiling, his hair perfect and effortless. It made sophie almost ignore the fact that what he was wearing was absolutely horrendous. Almost, even Keefe the most handsome elf she'd seen, could not make the opening ceremony costumes 'work'.
Looking at the picture her heart did a sad little flip, it'd been three days since she'd last seen him. They'd been able to talk for a few minutes every night through their Imparters, but it wasn't the same a really being with him.

Wylie flashed a few colourful orbs around her arm, snapping her back to reality.
« That's not good, i heard it was a nasty fall but...
He made a few disapproving sounds
« ... I'll have to stop by the alchemy room to see if they have a bit of yeti pee i could borrow »
He scratched his head nervously

« Shayda made it sound like she got the worst of the fall... and i..uh .. used up the last of it to make her an elixir. »

He took of his round bug eye glasses and went to the door.
« I'll be back soon, just hang in there »
He said speedily heading towards the door.

« If anyone comes by, tell them to wait and that I'll be back soon! » he called out while Speed walking away.

And just like that she was alone in the healing center, more worried than when she'd come in.
Wylie's subtle panic made her uneasy.
So she took of her glove and slid up her sleeve. The skin was already colourful and bruised. She didn't dare touch it knowing from experience how tender newly bruised skin was. 
She looked away from her arm.
A new sudden wave of nausea, settling in her stomach.
But it wasn't from the bruise, Sophie gotten used to those. She'd felt that sinking feeling in her stomach when she looked at the door.
More specifically, the teal eyed boy in the doorway. They'd spent the last two weeks avoiding each other.
She swallowed to find her throat was dry. And she knew before he asked

« Are you okay? »

That she was not, in fact, 'okay'.
And she knew it wasn't just because of her arm.

Author's note!
Hey i just logged into my account and i found (to my suprise) that there were SO MANY nice comments on my last chapter! I never thought people were still interested in a story i started more than a year ago! So I'll start working on the next chapter! I really appreciate the nice comments! It gives me motivation to keep writing!

Thank you so much! Let me know what you think! 🥰
Xoxo 💋

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