Don't wanna make it Blue

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Yeji made it.

She made it just in time to stop Lia's deep wound from pouring out all the blood in her.

Lia was found on their bathroom floor, sitting in her own puddle of blood that had streamed out of the deep cut on her left wrist, barely conscious. 

Yeji managed to stay calm, though. She had bandaged Lia's wrist and instructed her to change into newer, bloodless clothing, as she was planning to talk to her later. After that, Yeji carefully threw out the razor she had use to almost kill her and started to clean up all the blood in the bathroom. It'll most likely leave a stain. A red stain.

Lia, on the other hand, was having a mental fight with herself, similar to the one she had prior to the attempt. A part of her was telling her that Yeji was going to stay with her, no matter what, the other part told her that she should've just went for both wrists.

Life was hard for Lia. Years ago her parents separated and none of them wanted her. That led to her dropping out of high school desperately trying to find a place to sleep, rather than the streets. They were most likely small cafes. Some would let her stay for the night, while others would kick her out.

Life was like that for years until she met Yeji.

Yeji was an average human. Passed high school and University with a degree in music, had friends and other necessaries. She first saw Lia at the cafe she worked at, and let her live at her place after learning about her living status. Yeji cared a lot about her for one main reason.

She loved her.

She loved her and she knew it. Yeji vowed to stay by her side, even before Lia started hurting herself. She doesn't know how it started, but she knows she won't regret it. She was going to tell Lia about how she felt towards her once the blood was gone. Of course, she was shocked that she had chose to attempt this decision. However, you can't read Yeji like a book, and you wouldn't see the amount of shock contained. 

Yeji finally got rid of the blood, even though there was a faint red stain near the sink. It's barely visible, thankfully, but it might smell. I'll deal with it later, she thought. Yeji put the cleaning supplies away and made her way to Lia, who was waiting on the couch. 

She sat down on the coffee table so that she could see Lia's face. There were tear stains on her cheeks, fresh ones covering dried ones. Lia hid her face to hide them, but Yeji already saw. 

"What were you thinking?" Yeji started. Lia stayed quiet, afraid of Yeji's gaze due to the expected yelling and scolding from her. Expecting no answer, Yeji just sighed.

"What does the color red mean to you? Anger, right?" Lia flinched at Yeji unexpected question, but simply nodded afterwards. 

"We grew up knowing that the color red represents the negative." Yeji continued. "It represents anger, blood, fear, maybe even lust, but you know what else?" Lia shrugged.

"Love. Even though the color pink is known to represent it, I've always believed the color red was it's true form."

"W-Why?" Lia stuttered. She was clearly confused on how Yeji didn't show any anger to her actions, but talked about color and what it symbolizes, but she was too scared to ask.

"Because you have to go through hardships in order to find love. You may get upset, you may get hurt, you may even mistake lust for it. Plus, blood pumps in your heart, giving it a red color." Yeji said, staring at Lia's wound. The bandage was close to soaking, but the blood had clot already. 

"But, no matter what happens, love always brings two together." Yeji took a deep breath before meeting Lia's gaze.

"It's why I still have you."

Lia took the time to process what Yeji had said, then gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. 
Yeji had confessed in the most unknowing way.

Lia motioned Yeji to continue.

"Now, what does the color blue mean to you?"

"Sadness?" Lia answered hesitantly.

"Yep. Blue commonly represents sadness, tears, regret, guilt, and anything similar." Yeji paused for a second. "Was that how you felt when I found you?"

Lia looked down in guilt and nodded. She saw Yeji's hands grab her own, then looked back up a Yeji, who was right in front of her.

"I'll be honest, you shouldn't hurt yourself. I don't want you feeling that way." Yeji then released her grip and hugged Lia passionately.

"I don't wanna make it blue, 

but we'll make it red, together."

Lia tighten the hug and cried on Yeji's shirt. What Yeji had said meant so much to her, even Yeji herself wouldn't know. She's relied on herself for so long that now she needs someone to rely on.
And Yeji would gladly be that someone.

Lia's crying made Yeji shed a tear of her own. It made her think about what might've happened if she didn't save Lia in time. If she left her without a single farewell. Yeji would've been devastated, maybe even hurt herself as much as Lia's done. Yeji would've blamed herself for her attempt, but that doesn't matter.
Because that same girl was in her arms.
Glad that she had someone like her to love.

I don't want you to feel blue,

So I'll stay by your side,

And we'll make it red.


wow this sucks i'm sorry

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