The Start

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In the cold days of December when everyone was preparing for the end of the year  , Sudanese people decided that it was enough.
30 years of suffering . The government that has run the country for over 30 years gave it nothing but pain. People decided that it was time for change and that this is by time where everyone's voice should be heard.
For a period of time the country has been going through struggle of life's main necessities. There was a shortage on bread on  fuel on gas.... and high prices set on everything. It was very difficult for people . People wasted all their times in lines , Fuel lines where by you have to wait to get fuel that's of course if you find in the first place and you might even spend over a whole day in the line for you to get your car fuelled
The country was struggling bad this time.
Not until a punch of little boys went for breakfast and realized that the prices have even gone higher and so they started complaining and decided to protest .
Atbara is  the birth place of the revolution .  Where the first protest took place with only children and later on joined by elders .
Later joined by other parts in the country . There was a high use of tear gases and live shooting from the government against the protesters in order of breaking down the protests.
But only that they started killing peaceful protesters but somehow this managed to push people even more forward and there number was increasing by time . 

This was a start for a legendary revolution. The revolution that has changed our lives forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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