Blood, Sweat + Tears

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Ash's POV~

"Hunny please eat" Gaku coo's holding a piece of sandwich up to my lips.

I turn to look away but Kara is already there holding a piece of cake on a fork. 

"You need to eat princess" Kara says more sternly.

"Why would you both care?" I spit my face scrunching up in a scowl.


"You know what I don't want to hear your pathetic lies" I say bitterly cutting Gaku off.

"Fine then what do you want?" Kara says growling lowly.

"I want to leave but you wouldn't comply to that would you? I want to be alone" The sour tinge in my voice is clear as I look away.

Sighing they both leave the plates of food on the table before leaving, hearing the door click shut I heave out a breath. 

Tears start to gather in my eyes, shaking my head I slap my cheeks. 

No I can't cry, I've already cried to much! I need to stay strong.... But how can I do that?! The two people I loved, the two people I cared so much for were just lying, they never cared for me. They just wanted to use me, how could I not see this?! My parents didn't want me so why should they? 

I laugh bitterly, it held no humor just pain. 

Swinging my legs over the plush bed I balance my weight on my feet as I stand up, I wobble a bit but I eventually make my way to the bathroom. Swinging the door open I start rummaging for something anything sharp. 

Finding a razor I snap the head off before stomping on it breaking it further until a blade becomes loose. Rolling up my sleeve I blankly stare at my old scars, I haven't touched a blade since I meet Gaku, I haven't even thought of it. 

My eyes narrow as I twirl the blade in my finger tips, I use to cry in the shower. I use to weep pathetically praying for someone to sweep me away into a fairy tale like a princess.

I hate them, I hate them so much for making me feel like I'm worth something before they crush that into the fucking ground! 

They ripped my heart out and stomped on it right in-front of me!

Not caring to close the door or to find an actual place to tuck myself away I plop down right next to the draw and start cutting. Left, right, across, diagonal, straight anyway I can think of.

The blood tickles down onto the floor, the sting doesn't make me stop though, It only fuels me to go harder. So thats what I do, I drive the blade so hard in my caramel skin that my body reflexes scream at me to stop, but I don't. 

Everything becomes blurry as the blade harshly rips the skin, the world tunes out, It was oddly peaceful.  

"Ash!" Hearing a shout I snap out to see Kara on his knee's, his eye are wide with horror as he grabs and throws the blade. 

"Princess oh my god there so much blood, we need to take care of you right away!" Kara says gently cradling my left arm, I just sit there blankly watching him rush around.

Grabbing a hand towel he puts it under the running tap before wringing out the excess, as gentle as he can be he starts dabbing the blood away. Rubbing some lotion ointment which stings a bit he starts wrapping my arm in bandages.

Picking me up he walks out to the bed, placing me carefully on the warm sheets Kara goes on his knee's.

"Princess why would you do that?" Kara says softly looking into my eyes, he looked so desperate. Not wanting to get lost in his beautiful orbs I look away, my hands tightly clench my pants.

"Hey, hey... look at me please. I'm not angry, I'm never angry at you princess, please just look at me" Placing his long fingers underneath my chin he moves my face so I'm staring at him.

"Why do you both hate me?" I break, I couldn't hold it in anymore, I couldn't be strong anymore. Tears pour down my cheeks in fat blobs as I hic, my hands are at my face trying to rub the tears away but they just keep coming.

"What? Princess we don't hate you!" Kara says confusion and worry clear through his soft tone, he goes to cup my cheek but I swat his hand away.

"I-I thoug-ght you both c-c-cared but you ju-u-ust r-ripped my h-heart" I choke out my eyes squeezing shut.

"Oh princess.." I could feel the guilt radiating from him.

"You both just wanted to use me!" I screech waving my hand furiously through the air.

"Hey, hey" Grabbing my wrists he stands up and pulls me into his chest whilst his other hand runs through my hair in an attempt to try and calm me down. "We never wanted to use you, we truely do love you princess. We just couldn't let anyone hurt whats our's or let anyone take our precious baby away from us, we love you too much for that" 

"Y-You really mean it?" I sniffle opening one eye. 

"Of-corse I love you, your the cutest thing in the entire universe how could I not?" Kara says in 'a matter of fact' tone as he bops my nose.

My tears and sniffles slowly stop as we both stay in that position, he was so warm like an oven.

"Please never do that again" Kara pleads softly petting my hair, I nod slightly in response. "You had old scars..."

"I stopped when I meet Gaku, I didn't even think of it until know." I whisper awkwardly playing with his shirt. 

"Promise me" He says pushing me slightly so I wasn't tucked in his chest but looking up at him. "Promise me you won't do that ever again." Kara says his voice dripping with desperation.

"Promise me to never kill anyone and let me out of here." I snap back my eyes narrowing, I haven't forgotten about them brutally ripping apart the poor guy.

"Ash" He says warningly his eyes snapping from soft to hard. 

"No I still haven't forgotten about that, I don't want to be stuck in this room either!" I growl out my voice slightly horse from crying.

Sighing he drags his hand down his face. "I'm a government official I can't just stop killing people."

"I know that but you and Gaku turned into monsters just because someone was an idiot and flirted with me." Kara's eyes darken when I say 'monsters' but I don't flinch. "You said you loved me, if you really do... then promise me" I say sternly. 

"No" Kara says plainly his face turning its usual emotionless self. 

"Why not!" I yell fuming. 

"The killing thing... fine but I know you Ash, you haven't stopped fighting that means you could try and do something stupid. Like trying to escape like you did last time, or trying to fight us" Kara says coldly narrowing his eyes.

"It's a promise then?" I raise my eyebrows.

"If you don't... cut yourself again then I promise I won't kill anyone for you again." Kara says slowly.

Loving the Yandere Teacher (Assassination Classroom x Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang