Chapter 6: Betrayal

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You ran down the hallway, sobbing in fear. As you ran, you heard Freddy chasing you, and shouting through the hallway.




It was 4:00pm in the afternoon, and the heat was unbearable. You were at home, bored and idling. Suddenly, you thought of Freddy's animatronic band.

My time with the gang is running out, and I need to find a way to repay then for the kindness and happiness they've brought to me...... You thought about it for a while, and a brilliant idea came to your mind. I know! I should get some chocolate cake for them! You thought as you squeal in delight. The crew would be so happy!

You drove to the nearest bakery store and stood at the display counter, deciding on the perfect looking pastry to offer them. Finally, something caught your eye.

You saw a chocolate cake coated with a light and creamy vanilla frosting topped with thinly dedicatedly sliced strawberry chocolate! Once you saw the cake, you immediately asked for it before anyone could.



As usual, you put on a casual purple tee and your favourite jeans. You are ready for work. (Well, it's more like a party, but meh :P) You hopped into your car and drove through the streets towards
the pizzeria.


It was 5 minutes before 12 midnight. You decided that since it's a party, a dress code should not be needed. So instead of going straight to the supply closet to put on the suit, you just went straight towards the show stage, with a box in hand.

Immediately, as the clock struck 12, you screamed, " SURPRISE! " Since Bonnie always activates first, he was indeed surprise. But, to be more precise, he looked more shocked than surprise.

"(Y/N).....Run." Bonnie whispered


"It's a long story. Just-"

"Why? Are you too surprise to handle the surprise?" You interrupted him. Foxy and Chica were then activated.

Foxy and Chica looked as shocked as Bonnie- as if they've seen a ghost.

" Oh! Goodness! Run little one! " Chica whispered.

"Aye! Run away before Freddy awaken, matey! Just do it!" Foxy said.

You were a little baffled at first.

"C'mon! Don't be silly!" You laughed.

Finally. Freddy was activated. Immediately when Freddy saw you, you got kind of worried as he doesn't look very happy to see you. Suddenly, his eyes went pitch black, and he started to screech as if he was possessed. You dropped the box, backing away.

"Umm. F-Freddy?" you stammered.

Suddenly, Freddy chases you down the hallway. You screamed in horror as his voice echoes through the dim hallway.


You sobbed in fear and betrayal as you never knew that one of the friends you trusted the most wanted to stuff you into a suit. You ran out of the pizzeria, coughing and panting to catch some breath as tears ran down your face like a stream. You aimlessly ran across the big road, too afraid to even enter the pizzeria.

You sat on the pavement, trying to calm yourself down. After for what seemed for an hour, you saw a shady, black character walking out of the pizzeria. You ignored it, thinking that it was the janitor or something. However, it started to go towards you.

Your heart neatly stopped as the black figure tapped your shoulder. You turn your head in shock as the character wearing the hood seems to be....Bonnie!

You hurriedly stood up, terrified of what he might do to you.

"Wait! Don't go!" He shouted as you ran towards your car. You cannot ever trust anyone now.

" Go away! . " You screamed as you started tearing again. You drove past Bonnie as he stood speechless at the side of the road, ready to return back to the pizzeria.


Sorry for chapter delay! I made this especially long for y'all :3

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