Chapter 2: Unexpected

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"Did I scare you?" That familiar voice lingered in my ears. And then, my heart started beating so fast.

"Ah, no. I'm sorry, I gotta go." I walked a bit faster as if someone was chasing me but he took my by surprise, he grabbed my arm and faced me.
He held my shoulders really tight as if making sure I won't try and run away.

"I've been asking myself for the past 4 years.... What did I ever do to you? Why did you suddenly disappear?" He sounded so serious that it made me shiver..
I held my tears really well, I don't want to look pathetic in front of him. I don't wanna cry.

"Jacob, I'm sorry but you holding me like this is not right. You're hurting me." I replied bravely, trying to hold back the tears from my eyes and trying to not let my voice shake.

He was taken aback. "I'm sorry. I just - Why? I went to our spot and waited for hours. I thought that maybe - maybe you were just late or that something ... came up." Tears started falling from his eyes. I can't do this anymore. As soon as I had the chance, I ran as fast as I could.

When I reached home, I headed straight to my room and cried. He was my first love, my first heartbreak. And quite possibly the last.

I laid on my bed and started to reminisce the past.

I was a typical student in my fourth year in high school. I avoided almost everyone, and focused on my studies instead which made me come first in ranking in the entire school. I have never involved myself in any harmful situation. Until one day, someone changed me or lest he almost did.
I went straight to my favorite spot at the back garden of the West building to study and do my homeworks. I sat comfortably and put my things beside me, when I heard someone speak.

"Excuse me. But, am I disturbing you?" He said. It was Jacob Reynolds, the star player of the school's varsity. His smile is something that would take you as if it was hypnotizing or something. I was unconsciously checking him out when he snapped at me.

"Hello?" He snapped again.

"I'm sorry, but, you have a dirt on your face. Uhmm, Here." I said while handing him a tissue.

"Oh, thanks. Can I nap here for a bit? I want to avoid those girls who run after me when they see me. I'm so tired of it." It's true. I just nodded and get my notebooks from my bag.

After an hour, I stood up and took all of my belongings and started to head back to the classroom when Jacob grabbed my hand.

"Can you help me up?" He asked. I helped him stand up and was about to walk when he asked my name.

"Olivia." I said shortly. I don't wanna get involved with him, or his fangirls will chase me or even hurt me.

"I'm Jacob. We're in the same class in Physics." He says but I ignored him and just walked.

Jacob Reynolds is not only handsome but he ranks second, next to me in the whole school. He's a star player, smart, famous and all that girls look for, well, except for me.

I sat at the back seat and pulled out my Physics book. He sat next to me and started talking to the guy in front of him.

After class, I went to the library to borrow books. I left my bag on the table while I take all the books I needed and signed the borrower's card. When I went back to the table, I saw a note saying: "I'll wait for you at the back garden."
I don't know if this note is for me, but I didn't care anyway. I don't wanna waste my time checking who or what that note even means.

I walked past the West building and headed home. But the note suddenly bothered me. And out of curiousity, I ran back to school and went straight to the back garden only to find nothing. I don't know, but I felt like I was hoping to see someone. I was hoping to see Jacob all of a sudden.
Why would he be there, anyway? Maybe it was just some sort of a prank.

I went home still thinking about the note. I pasted in on my wall as I reached my room. Maybe it wasn't Jacob, I was just... Damn, am I starting to be a fangirl? Hell, noooo! Well, he's cute and charming and, wait what? Olivia, wake up! This is so unlike you. Yeah, Olivia should be doing her homework and preparing for the Midterm exams.

That night, I couldn't even sleep. I've counted a thousand of sheep but I just can't! Something is really bothering me. Finding Jacob at the back garden, looking so charming and all, and his voice was warm and, stttoooooop! Don't think about him. But, his smile was really ..... Stop! Fine. I like him. But, I am never gonna follow him around like the other girls. I don't even want anyone to know how I feel. In fact, this is the very first time that I admitted to myself that I like someone, plus, it could still possibly change. I mean, me liking him is something I have never wanted.

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