A Bender into a hero

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Y/n's P.O.V:

"Y/n L/n, I couldn't be more proud then to have you as a daughter! Look at how far you've come, you've gotten so strong and you're going to take my place as village chief! I'm so proud of you." My father beamed at me.

I tried to smile back, but I really didn't want to be village chief..I couldn't help but feel as though there was something better for me to do out there in the world...

Something more exciting then this...

"Thanks dad..if you don't mind I'm going to take a small walk..the whole village future chief thing is a lot to take in." I forcefully smile.

"Sure thing sweetie, just make sure to get back when we start patrolling." My father waves me off as I start to venture around the area.

I knew everything too well, and my father wants me to get freaking married to a guy I don't even talk to! Like hell I want to be forced into marriage for the village, I want my own right to choose.

I sighed as I moved myself forward on a rock, the incline of the rock going higher and higher until I reached my favorite spot on the mountain.

I hoped off the rock and landed on the mountain. I take a deep breath as I concentrate and shatter the big rock to pieces.

I sit down on the grassy terrain of the mountain, letting the breeze flow through my hair...I wanted another way for me to use my element bending abilities than fighting...I wanted to use them to protect and save people...but in this time and age, that's pretty much impossible..

We're constantly fighting every day to make peace, but...is hurting people really the best way to do it?

I'm lost in my thoughts as a sudden rainstorm happened.

"But I didn't....do this.." I mutter.

And what happens next happens so fast that I couldn't even protect myself. Lightning struck, and in a blink of an eye...I blacked out.

I started to stir awake as I felt someone shaking me.

"H-hey! Are you ok?!"

I open my eyes, only to become face to face with a messy green haired boy.

Green hair? How unusual.....

I only realized I'd been staring at him for too long when he started blushing from my gaze.

"I-is there something on my face?"

"Hm? Oh, no. Sorry, I just thought your hair color was unusual..I've never seen green hair before..." I say as I study him more.

The boy looks away, extremely flustered by my gaze, but I was unaware that he was nervous.

"U-um r-really? I-it's unusual? I-I think g-green is a pretty natural c-color around here..are you perhaps, from a foreign place?" He asks, while stuttering majorly.

Now that I look around, this place did not look like any place around my village...it was bustling with these moveable carriages that didn't even have a horse pulling them.

People where on these small rectangle devices, with some sort of attachment going in their ears.

It was like I was in a whole other time zone.

"Say..where am I?" I ask, as I start to look at the strange clothing people were wearing.

"U-uhm?! Japan, why?"

Yep..definitely not in my own world anymore..I'll have to make up a believable lie...

"Uhm, it's just, where I used to live we didn't have stuff like this. We don't have those rectangular devices you use, or the carriages on wheels that move without horses..and different hair colors like yours is very unusual, because I'm used to seeing black hair, brown hair, blonde, or just any natural color." I stare into the boy's green eyes.

"Say, do you guys have powers here like us?" I tilt my head.

Izuku's P.O.V:

I watch the girl stare into my eyes as she asked her question, she was very interested in the things we have here.

If she doesn't have things like cars and phones where she lived, then maybe she came from a village that didn't even bother with modern technology.

As she tilts her head I can't help but think, "Oh my gosh! She's like a cute adorable and clueless puppy!"

She was still on the ground, wearing the same uniform as I was, but I don't think she's noticed that yet.

"Erm, powers? You mean Quirks? Yeah, there's all sorts of Quirks here, everyone who has a powerful Quirk strives to be a hero to save people and protect them from villains and their wrong doings. There's so many different Quirks out there that it's too hard to even name all of the different types!" I start going a little too far on my knowledge, and I may have blabbered a little too much.

After I realize that, I quickly bow my head in embarrassment. "I'm extremely sorry! I didn't mean to ramble, sometimes I get a little carried away.." I start to fidget my fingers.

"No! It's fine really! That explained a lot, being a hero sounds like a lot of fun!" She smiles brightly as she grabbed my hands.

I flushed a bright red and my heart thundered in my chest.

"S-So um, what's your Quirk?" I ask, quite interested to know.

Y/n's P.O.V:

Crap crap crap! A Quirk name...uhm, quick Y/n! Think Think!

"Uhm it's...Elemental control..." I say the first thing that comes to mind.

"That's so cool! Ah! Ahem, I'm I-Izuku Midoriya! Nice to meet you." The boy bows at an angle, face flushed red.

I stand up and take notice of my clothes, they looked similar to Izuku's.

"Nice to meet you Izuku! I'm Y/n L/n! Let's be great friends!"

"Y-Yes!" He shouts and quickly turns around and starts walking.

I tilt my head in confusion.

"Well? What are you waiting for L/n? You're a new transfer for our school right? Come on, I'll show you the way." Izuku smiles.

"Y/n is fine Izuku, calling me by last name is kinda weird." I laugh.


He motions me to follow him, but one question still lingered in my mind....

What is....

A school?

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