Ch 1 Mine Alone

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Throught my life, I've believed that the people I love will never lie to me, no once, not ever.

I've been attending a boarding school for boys ever since my sixth grade year when my parents died. On their death bed, their will stated that 'my big boy son Jeffry shall start his new life' wanted me to start my life fresh. Not taking into account the type of private boarding school tbey got me into whoch is nlt the best one. However, the worst part about an all boys boarding school is that there really is no room for friends, at least in mine...

I enter my classroom full of students and sit on the back row seat. The biology class is full of idiots, all with different cir as a matter of fact, all classes are. No matter how much I care to try, they will only pay attention to me if I ask for more homework or participate in class. Only then.

"Alright class open your textbooks and go to page four-hundred sixty-six.
Will someone please answer question fivty-five were we left off yesterday?"
Mr. Cool, only the coolest teacher ever alive asks. I raise my hand with enthusiasm and stand up.
I repeat the question and answer proudly. From my peripheral vision I could see only then and later that I would be pleased. I sit down when Mr.Cool says I'm correct. Biology is been my last class which is also why I love it even more.

When the bell rang I went straight to the restroom and waited, writing on my phone as a distraction to myself. Finally, I see him, Sam. Dear Sammy when will you finally please me by yourself? His best friend Mr.Douch Bag follows into the restroom and locks the door from inside. The rest must be outside.

"So you chose the restroom now? Even scum can scoop lower. Were you waiting long?" Sammy asks.
Only for you Dear Sammy, I wouldn't have chosen this place if I knew you were gonna invite your douch friend here. No no, instead I would've chosen a much smaller palace, just for us two alone.

"You see, I'm getting tired of your scummy little acts around this school, you are a pest to all human kind! So this time, I'll be as kind as to give you a chance to jump out the restroom window right now. You have five seconds." He softly inhales,"1," every second you spit out of your mouth only makes me more enthusiastic about what I could do to it. "2," But of course I'll gladly wait for you. "3," I'll make sure to confess when we are alone, "4," and make you finally all mine. "And 5, Thank god you didn't, the devil wouldn't want you down there, so instead I'll show you hell here with some of the new moves I learned in Tae Kwon Do yesterday. And don't worry, I WILL make sure to hurt you." He ends. Sammy starts kicking me and showing off.

Although I do feel horrible pain, I love it because everytime he hurts me, he voluntarily touches me, and that is enough for me as of now. I've learned throughout my life that the people I love will never lie to me, I believe it even today. Sammy's afection towards me is not a lie right now because I know the reason wht he's doing it.

After I hear him leave, I open my eyes and stand up. Then I eagerly start to take my cothes off and start counting the bruises he left. The more purple and bigger they are the more I begin to blush for him.

I'm not Mr.Douch Bag pretty boy here nor look like scum, as Sammy said, I look average, in my opinion. A boy who dramatically dropped weight because American food tasted like slugs. I'll only ever eat Mexican food, not that it's important. What's important in my life other than Dear Sammy is my "job". I don't get paid, but I enjoy to secretly sneak out into the forest behind the dorms and play with my Ouija board. I usually go when the moon's out, so I can see better at midnight because it's usually when the guards work less. I can never go to sleep without speaking to a spirit. You see, I've discovered something about myself.

I place the ouija board and the planchette down. I spin it three times and invite spirits in.
"Are spirits present here right now?"
As soon as I say that, I start feeling the wind slither faster, in other words, light precences around me, but none of them with enough power to communicate. I try again, and say a few things about myself to attract more spirits. When this happens I start feeling uneasy, and go to my second option which is,
"Devil father?" I take a deep breath,
"Are you here Devil Father?" I say in a breathy tone. My body begins to tremble and I start feeling this deep uneasiness I hate when I am ignored, a black hole, a shadow stepping on my back and pushing me down. My bruises start feeling itchy on my skin and bleeding internally as if someone or something were causing it although I know who, I also know that these are his concequenses. Him, his name who I knew shall not be mentioned ever, I ignored and moved forward at my own risk again. I open my eyes and ask, "Is this you Devil Father?"
The planchette forcefully moves across the board and spells >Yes< never this fast before. "Do you wish to speak today, Devil Father?" I shake.
He will only answer my questions when I say his full nickname after. The planchette moves again to spell the words >I Do Wish<
"What do you wish to speak to be about Devil Father?" My voice cracks and I look up at the moon, then down slowly to see what he spelled, >I Wish To Make A Deal With You Boy<
"Was must this deal be Devil
Father?" I say more calm now.
>I will grant you the power to move anything with your mind<

No way! Where could he possibly get this kind of power from?

"With what condition Devil Father?" I ask.
>With the condition that you lend me your body two days of the week<

He can't possibly do that, no one but the Demon can be able to do possession, nor grant power to humans.
"How can I trust you Devil Father?"
>I will grant you a portion of what can truly be yours tomorrow, so when the clock strikes at midnight, and you want to seal the contract, knock on your board 4 times<

I think I can trust him knowing this, but just in case, "I have a condition, a-actually two Devil Father," I studder, "First, if I do agree, the two days will only be during the weekend, so I don't skip any classes. Secondly, if you do grant me this power yo-ou speak of then you shall not take it away after it is fully given Devil Father," no movement, "Do you agree Devil Father?"
Indeed I do
"Do you wish to leave Devil Father?"
I do wish

I say my goodbyes to the board and pack up. I look around just to check if no one's around. Then I climb unto the first floor, into my dorm with my pjs on. One last time, I check to see if all of my classmates are asleep, and hide my Ouija Board in hidden compartment below the wooden floor, and go straight to sleep like nothing ever happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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