I've been tagged.....

97 5 7

Oki sooo I had been tagged and I will just answer the questions now.....

1. My username is like a nickname I made up of my original nickname.

2. My favorite book is.....uh idk give meh a sec..........Oh! I know! It's........ Magyk by Angie Sage

3. Oki uh meh icon is Latina from 'For my daughter I would defeat a demon Lord.'....while my background is just rain falling from the sky with white zigzag lines going across it

4.Ehhhhh... All I write is boring short stories..... With a fantasy base......

5.Idk other than the 3 books I have written......or my friend.....( I will mention her in the tags....)

6.my secret about my Wattpad is.......ummmm...........That I am a crazy anime freak

Oki time to tag people.....

People I will try to tag~











Gomen idk how to tag people have a nice day!

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